Is Amoxcillin causes dairria in babies?

My poor 10 month old baby has ear infection and i gave her amoxcillin now she's been having light diaria and she's weak and she's very sleepy why is that?


  • "she's been having light diaria... why is that?" -- Diarrhea is one of the common side effects of ALL antibiotics and amoxicillin is no exception.

    "and she's weak...why is that?" -- She's sick.

    "and she's very sleepy...why is that?" -- The body heals and repairs itself during sleep. Her body knows what it needs.

    You're very young and this is your first child. Next time you have concerns, don't post a question on Yahoo. Show some sense and contact your daughter's pediatrician.

  • I'm a nursery nurse and have cleaned up quite a few runny bums due to this drug,its quite a common side affect.If she continues to be drowsy and shows other symptoms like being fretful or being sensative to light seek medical help right away as she maybe having an allergic reaction

  • diarrea is one side effect of antibiotic amoxicillin .let him sleep to regain his body resistance against infections .

  • antibiotics do cause diarrhea

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