12 POINTS!!!!!!! On facebook, it won't let me comment, update my status, poke people, click "see all 10 comments", like, send a message, comment on photos, or anything else! I click it but its doesn't react at ALL- Like i didn't even click it! The only thing i can do is go through profiles, but not photos because if I click view so and so's photos, it doesn't react either. This started Thursday. I've tried leaving the page and going back on a new one - won't work. I've also tried re starting my computer or logging off - won't work. PLEASE ANSWER! And don't tell me its a problem with facebook and that i cant fix it, because my friends are all commenting, liking, and updating their statuses!!!!!!!!!
Update:btw the girl that lives 2 houses down from me is a friend of mine on facebook, and she updates her statuses everyday. (its not like i cant see the homepage. i can only look through profiles and the homepage and some applications)
Update 3:sorry lol this is like the 4th detail. it works on other computers, though. (my account does)
This sort of thing happens to me off and on, ever since FB fixed everything that wasn't broken a while back. My best suggestion is to clear your browser's (IE, Firefox, etc.), cache, and reload/refresh the page.
If that fails, I suggest updating your browser, or trying a different browser, such as Firefox.
Try emptying your browser's cache.
In Firefox, click the Tools menu, then Clear Recent History and make sure that the cache box is checked.
In Chrome, click the spanner, then Clear Browsing Data and make sure the cache box is checked.
In Internet Explorer, click Tools, then Internet Options, and click the "Delete..." button in the Browsing History section. Make sure that "Temporary Internet Files" is checked.
If this does not work, try using a different browser to see if the problem lies with your browser or anything else.
I have not heard about this problem nor had it happen to me. You may get a better answer if you contact facebook directly. Also, have you tried logging into your profile on another computer to see if it acts the same way? That my be a start to figuring out the problem.
it could be a problem with your internet connection. and not saying it is but theres a chance it very well could be a problem with facebook during... certain times of the day the facebook server could be overwhelmed with people causing it to run a little slower. check to see if everything is plugged in and not loose. also facebook has a help button so try looking through there for more information about it.
Have you confirmed your facebook by email? I know it does this when you haven't, not sure what else it could be sorry. I believe under account settings you can request a confirmation email be sent to your email on file.
does it do this for any other website or application? It could be a virus, if not contact facebook and ask them if they know anything about it.
ok um im just guessing here, so i don't know if im right but try refreshing your browser a couple times. or uhmm or try a different browser
sorry thats all i got
Reset your browser. If that doesn't work than it is an IP issue and you should reset your router.
Have you adjusted the new settings?
have you fixed this problem yet?? because now the same thing is happening to me.. if it works now can you please tell me what you did??