How Do I Tell A Guy I'ma Tranny?

Ok Now I've Been Dealing W This 4a Min. I Am VERY Passable, and I often have guys come to me asking for my number and what not. Most of the time I won't give it, but if their hot, SUE ME! Lol I wanna know whats the best way to tell them that this girl has sumthing...X-Tra...2bring 2da Table! Thanks DaRling =)


  • wow dont listen to that mean Commie Blaster (#53) i think you should tell the man b4 u give him your number so he knows whats up the way you should say it could be diffrent each time you could always say just for your info....bahh blahh blahh

  • There's a certain coarseness and vulgarity, my dear, in every syllable you've written, and an indifference to normal ethical standards of behavior that, I imagine, should be perfectly evident in everything you do and say--No one with half a brain would ever mistake you for, say, a lady. And since your standard in the tricks you pick up is not brains but "hotness" there's only one reason that I can think of why you'd want to warn them, before they "do" you, that you're a tranny: The kind of trash that you're planning on having sex with, consider you, my precious blossom, to be a "trap." It's a low, vulgar word, used by low, vulgar, violent people--the sort of people who, if you don't warn them beforehand, and they find out afterwards that they've been tricked into f*cking a tranny, are perfectly capable of beating you to death. My advice to you, my sweet, is to skip the subtlety. Buy yourself yet another jangly charm bracelet, one that says "t-r-a-n-n-y" and jangle it at Mr. Hot until it dawns on him that you're trying to tell him something.

  • agreed with moon on the water. also. commie get the dildo out of your *** and go be an prick around your mother. I know she touches you but that doesn't mean you have to take your anger out on everyone else. Ha good luck girl!! ignore the arrogant fool. ah and also ignore the ppl who get all pissy because you use a word such as tranny. be you say what you want "memento mori" so live your life as YOU want and not how others want you to.

  • You really don't need to say anything.

    But if you may come involved with one, then you need to lay it out right then & there.

    Don't hide it, because you can cause problems.

    It's on Jerry Springer all the time lol

  • You told me and I liked it.

    Some guys dont like it, but I do if they are bottoms.

    I guess that I defy categorization. Basically a DOM/TOP, but I enjoy my partners "O" as much as my own. Oral is a control issue. So is climax.

  • Heavens, ignore the cruelty forthcoming from Commie Blaster. Ignorance is bliss for some evidently.

    Dear, just tell them. Just straight up. No embellishment. If they like you, they like you, right?

  • is a tranny same as trans? Just wondering.

  • Sue you for what, your total lack of self-esteem and dignity?

    Has it ever occurred to you that calling yourself a "tranny", just helps to perpetuate the bigoted stereotypes Transsexual people are desperately trying to eliminate?

  • In the middle of conversation just be all like, "I have a penis."

  • This has got to be a joke.

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