How exactly do people astral project?

I almost had a experiece this morning. When I woke up, right? I woke up and my right army completely fell asleep confortably. I tried to move it around, but it won't move. At that exact moment, I could somehow feel my hand being raised into the air when its not moving at the same time at all. It felt so real and solid, I tried to wiggle my fingers and somehow I could feel it moving around when its not movong. Wierd. It was numb because I slept on it.

Is this part of astral projection? How do I make myself confortable enough to make my body sleep?



  • It sounds like you experienced an early stage of astral projection, but didn't complete it successfully.

    You can buy a book about it. I think that Robert Bruce's style of writing is kind of dry, but he seems to know what he's talking about.

    There are many different methods to astral projection. The ones that I've heard have too many steps to write on yahoo answers. You could probably just search around Google for directions if you don't want to buy a book.

  • Everyone dreams, it is perfectly normal. Some people call dreaming "astral projection" as though it were something special. It isn't. Sleep paralysis is also perfectly normal, you should read about it.

    A good book to read about such things as well as how to think critically is The Demon Haunted World by Carl Sagan.

  • Next time that happens try masturbating with that arm. It feels like someone else is doing it.

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