I'm gonna say Paramore because the 90's had a lot of good music and Blink 182 wasn't really anything memorable for me.
Paramore is surely a great band for these years(overlook their most popular songs) and due to that I believe they deserve the vote. I just hope their next albums are better seeing how I find myself listening to their debut a lot more than their other two put together.
I cannot really compare them any other way. They're different on so many levels.
Personally I think Blink 182. They have been around longer and were the first real punk*** band of the 90's. sure, they have turned pop-ish but their old stuff was great and even some of their newer stuff is awesome. I just love Blink so I am kind of biased anyway. Haha(: Paramore is good too though, but long live Blink(:
Paramore..is a great band and all, and Hayley's got a pretty voice and she is pretty herself. They dress well, I can name all their songs and they're just great.
But seriously? How the hell could you begin to compare the greatest band in the world, a.k.a blink-182, with Paramore?
Why I love blink-182:
1. They crack me up. Their joke songs, their jokes on stage, they make me wet myself! If Paramore did that, I'd think "Wow, someone's high. Very, clearly high.".
2. Their music sounds simply AMAZING! I hear everyone say "Oh, blink-182 cannot even come close to The Ramones/ The Clash/ Sex Pistols/ NOFX". I think that those bands can't even come close to blink! Really now, those punk bands forementioned have kickass guitar, decent drums, good bass which is a good thing. But blink-182, they don't have to have kickass bass to make a decent song. They can use 3 chords used altogether on the guitar for all we care. And Travis, the beast of beastiality on drums, is one of the world's best drummers. But his drumming is way too advanced for blink-182 songs. Yet, they still manage to make such good songs! That's something I think not a lot of bands out there can do, and that's what makes them ah-ma-zing.
3. We can relate to their songs. Some of their lyrics are so sweet and relating. Even complex situations. In their song Going Away to College they wrote about an older guy in a relationship with a girl still in high school. Not such a huge majority of people have relationships like that, but I do, so I'm glad there's at least one song out there that I can confide in. I have a few idiot friends, so I listen to What's My Age Again? heaps too. blink-182 got me through my troubled times, from when my parents were fighting, to when someone died. I love that! They just write down their problems and people love them. Yet, Taylor Swift gets treated like a goddess for that.
4. Mark, Tom and Travis are friggin HOT! Tom is to DIE for. He is the only celebrity that can get away with a lip ring. Mark's a cutie. His eyes look so warm and his hair is crazy! Luvvit. Travis is cute in a tough guy sort of way. I don't usually like guys with dreadlocks, but Travis looked SO HOT with dreadlocks
5. Mark & Tom's voices are just that much better than Hayley's. Who can resist a deep voice? Not me. Mark's voice is really deep and humble. As for Tom's, that is the best voice in punk rock history! He sounds like a gay when he speaks, but he's not gay! And I melt when he sings, it's just THAT good. I love it.
I would choose blink-182 over any band, not just Paramore. Did you know blink-182 was Paramore's major inspiration? I take it that blink-182 is the real deal and Paramore is just following in their footsteps. Cute.
Call me obsessed, say what you want, I love these guys!
Also can't wait till their new album in Spring 2011, gonna outsell everyone
That's a tough one, Blink has been around longer, but Hayley is an amazing singer. Blink182 has more music to choose from, and Travis is a good drummer, but I think I would choose Paramore over them.
Blink-182 because there music is better to me and that they all have such a funny personalities and I love how crazy their music videos are (: plus they have been around longer and they have done projects such as "box car racer" which is AMAZING
I'm gonna say Paramore because the 90's had a lot of good music and Blink 182 wasn't really anything memorable for me.
Paramore is surely a great band for these years(overlook their most popular songs) and due to that I believe they deserve the vote. I just hope their next albums are better seeing how I find myself listening to their debut a lot more than their other two put together.
I cannot really compare them any other way. They're different on so many levels.
Personally I think Blink 182. They have been around longer and were the first real punk*** band of the 90's. sure, they have turned pop-ish but their old stuff was great and even some of their newer stuff is awesome. I just love Blink so I am kind of biased anyway. Haha(: Paramore is good too though, but long live Blink(:
Ok, let's DO THIS.
Paramore..is a great band and all, and Hayley's got a pretty voice and she is pretty herself. They dress well, I can name all their songs and they're just great.
But seriously? How the hell could you begin to compare the greatest band in the world, a.k.a blink-182, with Paramore?
Why I love blink-182:
1. They crack me up. Their joke songs, their jokes on stage, they make me wet myself! If Paramore did that, I'd think "Wow, someone's high. Very, clearly high.".
2. Their music sounds simply AMAZING! I hear everyone say "Oh, blink-182 cannot even come close to The Ramones/ The Clash/ Sex Pistols/ NOFX". I think that those bands can't even come close to blink! Really now, those punk bands forementioned have kickass guitar, decent drums, good bass which is a good thing. But blink-182, they don't have to have kickass bass to make a decent song. They can use 3 chords used altogether on the guitar for all we care. And Travis, the beast of beastiality on drums, is one of the world's best drummers. But his drumming is way too advanced for blink-182 songs. Yet, they still manage to make such good songs! That's something I think not a lot of bands out there can do, and that's what makes them ah-ma-zing.
3. We can relate to their songs. Some of their lyrics are so sweet and relating. Even complex situations. In their song Going Away to College they wrote about an older guy in a relationship with a girl still in high school. Not such a huge majority of people have relationships like that, but I do, so I'm glad there's at least one song out there that I can confide in. I have a few idiot friends, so I listen to What's My Age Again? heaps too. blink-182 got me through my troubled times, from when my parents were fighting, to when someone died. I love that! They just write down their problems and people love them. Yet, Taylor Swift gets treated like a goddess for that.
4. Mark, Tom and Travis are friggin HOT! Tom is to DIE for. He is the only celebrity that can get away with a lip ring. Mark's a cutie. His eyes look so warm and his hair is crazy! Luvvit. Travis is cute in a tough guy sort of way. I don't usually like guys with dreadlocks, but Travis looked SO HOT with dreadlocks
5. Mark & Tom's voices are just that much better than Hayley's. Who can resist a deep voice? Not me. Mark's voice is really deep and humble. As for Tom's, that is the best voice in punk rock history! He sounds like a gay when he speaks, but he's not gay! And I melt when he sings, it's just THAT good. I love it.
I would choose blink-182 over any band, not just Paramore. Did you know blink-182 was Paramore's major inspiration? I take it that blink-182 is the real deal and Paramore is just following in their footsteps. Cute.
Call me obsessed, say what you want, I love these guys!
Also can't wait till their new album in Spring 2011, gonna outsell everyone
Blink-182. Paramore is too.. ugh
That's a tough one, Blink has been around longer, but Hayley is an amazing singer. Blink182 has more music to choose from, and Travis is a good drummer, but I think I would choose Paramore over them.
BLINK- 182... paramore is so Overrated..
because there music is better to me and that they all have such a funny personalities and I love how crazy their music videos are (: plus they have been around longer and they have done projects such as "box car racer" which is AMAZING