How do I transfrer videos from video camera to computer?
I recorded a wedding recently and my camera ran out of space so i borrowed someone else's. Theirs had no SD card in it tho. How can I transfer it to the computer?
Update:I think it saved to the camera's hard drive?
So what did it record to? If it's minidv you will have to connect the camcorder to your computer via a firewire connection, you computer must have a firewire port. If it's a hard drive camcorder thn you would need to connect via a usb cord.
You would get better answers with better details, like what kind of camcorder is it?
Providing the Brand model no. of the borrowed camcorder would allow y! answerers to help you out as there are different procedures to upload video to computer depending on the recording media:
External flash memory (SD card etc.)
Internal flash memory
Hard Disk (HDD)
Tape - Analogue/ Digital