Do dermatologist remove moles?

So I went to a dermatologist today and they said that dermatologists don't remove moles. Is that true or was this lady dumb or something? I had to pay $95.00 just to see the doctor for 2 mins and all she did was say I needed to go see a plastic surgeon. So is it true that dermatologist don't remove moles?!


  • I got a mole removed at my dermatologist at my older sister's appointment once. My mom decided while we were there that I should have it looked at, and the dermatologist removed it right then and there. Maybe it's different for your dermatologist or something? I'm not sure why s/he couldn't remove it for you.

  • Skin moles are generally hyper-pigmentation on the skin. They might get taken off with surgery treatment, or even better using numerous home remedies or products.

    Surgery is pricy, priced at anywhere from $100-$400 and it can cause scarring. Natural home remedies happen to be low priced and also can do away with bothersome moles within a few days without having scars.

    Homemade remedies include things like garlic, cumin seeds, or perhaps fresh pineapple juice applied over a short time.

  • That lady is a freaking idiot. YES dermatologists do remove moles.

  • Yes they do.. Ive gotten three moles removed from my dermatologist

  • I heard they use a lazor and its like a little sting. Dont really know thou SORRY...

  • yeaaaaahhh .. but be carful cuz sometimes they grow back :P:P AHAHAHA

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