Is Endomusia really a disorder?!?


When I was a kid I used to play Gameboy all the time. I maxed out to 999 hours in Pokemon and that doesn't include the times I re-played the game.

I remember every now and then I would hear the music coming from my gameboy in my pocket. One time I pulled it out to find that the gameboy wasn't even on, but I kept hearing it. After that it seemed to happen all the time. I thought it was cool then and didn't really question it.

Recently I thought it would be cool to do a test and see if I can get that to happen again, so I've been listening to the same song on repeat for over a week now. So far it's only happened once, when I woke up in the middle of the night and heard a little piece of the song come from nowhere. It was creepy.

I just now read up on the 'Tetris Effect' and 'Endomusia' on wikipedia and realized that's what I had/have. Is it 'really' a disorder? Can I just live with it or should I like go to a doctor? Because I think it's cool and I'm fine with having it.


  • Endomusia is an obsessive thought, usually music, as you read up about on Wikipedia. No, this is not a disorder. You forced your brain to "memorize" the music.

    Have you heard of people getting a tune stuck in their head? Same thing. If you listen to a song or tune repeatedly, it will repeat on you unexpectedly. This is something you have done to yourself.

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