Flower girl drama.?

Long story short I want my god-daughter to be my flower girl. Problem is her mother is a drunk and always passes out at these things or causes major scenes and god forbid something happens in the family(she's also my aunt) neither one of them will show for the wedding. So do I ask my aunt to let my god-daughter do it or do I just have another girl do it?


I forgot to mention that everything is great when the lady is sober but she carries her alcohol with her so there's the dilemma keeping her sober. She starts fights all the time and I'm only inviting her b/c its my mom's sister and the right thing to do.


  • Well, you are going to invite your aunt to the wedding either way right? So - if she is going to be there anyway I don't see why you can't ask your god-daughter. I had my god-daughter as my flowergirl and it was really sweet...

    What you could do is have someone in the bridal party or some close family member tell your aunt that you are going to pick up your goddaughter before the wedding so they can get her hair done and she can ride in the limo, pictures, etc. Then her mom can just meet her at the church. That might help ease things a little.

    I wouldn't worry about it to much. I would rather ask her then not. Have a family member keep an eye on her - and if they see she is getting out of control then they can escort her out. If she makes a scene she looks like the idiot and it doesn't reflect on you...and people will forget about it. But, I understand wanting to avoid that situation.

    Either way, I would ask her because I know how special it was having my goddaughter as the flowergirl.

    Good luck to you! ♥

  • You can't help it that your aunt is an alcoholic. It's too bad, too, since you seem to enjoy your god-daughter so much. I would ask another girl to do it, just because you won't be able to have another girl on standby in case your god-daughter doesn't arrive. You could also PLAN on having your god-daughter *and* another girl be in the wedding. If your god-daughter can't be there, at least you'll have one flower girl.

  • Wow, Well you can't expect to invite her daughter and not her. You could but I'm not sure that would be a great idea. She is your aunt and I think if you have a relationship with her then she should be invited. Maybe it would be best to find someone else be your flower girl.

  • Have her spend the night with you the night before! Tell her mom it's for the wedding party only and so she can get her hair done. Your God-duaghter could probably use some quality girl/pampering time anyway. She is a very lucky girl to have you in her life.

  • It seems like you've already tried to fix the situation, you offered to pay the difference and you explained what happened. I guess you could go the extra mile and send a card offering up another apology or you could call and ask her out to lunch and once again explain yourself. Are you sure this is the only thing that's bothering her? Seems like she's taking this a little too seriously.

  • Sounds like a good opportunity to think outside the box. How about a train-bearer....any little boy cousins/nephews? Or, if you really want to forgo any mishaps, perhaps exclude any children in wedding party altogether. Sometimes they "steal the show" in a good or bad way.

  • You can't invite the child without the mother..sorry. Ask someone else or use your godchild and keep your fingers crossed...or have her frisked at the door and all contraband confiscated..lol...good luck.

  • Tell your Aunt she is an alcoholic and you want her to get help and go to AA.

    That is the main problem facing your family - not who is the flower girl.

  • If you know there will be drama . . . then I would not ask the goddaughter. It is sad, but I would prefer to avoid any drama on the wedding day.

    Better to ask another . . . one with parents on whom you can depend.

    How sad for your goddaughter though.

  • Have your god-daughter stay at your house and that way she can still do it. Or ask some one else to do it.

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