Minolta srt 101 Shutter Release problem?

I have a Minolta SrT 101 that I picked up a little while ago. There's one problem, it wont shoot. It will advance and the counter does change, but the shutter release button will not go all the way down or even capture the picture. Please help.


  • OK. I cannot recommend this. It just happened to work.

    Before proceeding, make sure the cable release will operate the shutter. Also, see if the film crank will advance all the way while holding the shutter button down. If so, this means the shutter is functioning and the shutter button is merely jammed.

    Hold the camera in the palm of your hand so that the camera back is in your palm and the film rewind knob is near your thumb and the film crank is opposite you. Hold the camera over some carpeted floor. And whack it a few times. I know, but these things are tanks and much less expensive to replace than to have fixed right? Besides, right now it's a boat anchor. Give it a few good whacks. Mine took about twenty and all of a sudden I could press the shutter button and trips the shutter. Works like a charm now. But don't say I told ya so. (wink, wink, nudge, nudge, Bob's not your uncle)

  • very confusing task. search at google and yahoo. this could actually help!

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