Do older guys expect sex?

ok well im 17 and this guy i like is 20

iam a virgin and i dont plan to have sex and before i get to serious with him im was thinking do you think he is going to expect me to have sex with him if we go out ? and how would i find out do ;i ask him what do i say ?

im confused


  • If a guy ask you for a date, you don't have to accept. You can accept or decline. It's your prerogative. If I were you, I might ask him if he had sex with his last girl friend... let him know that you are a virgin and do not plan to have sex until after the marriage ceremony. I suppose then that it's his prerogative to date you or not. But, I'd bet he will want you even more and respect you as he should. It's a good test to learn how sincere a guy really is about you.

  • it's going to sound cliche, yet age does not fairly subject count. What might you do with a 27-29 12 months-outdated-female-with-a-19-12 months-outdated-maturit... to boot, the actuality which you 2 are nevertheless on the getting-to-know-each and every-distinctive-point does not assure you a extra severe relationship. you like her, & the sensation i assume is mutual.. could you do like her that lots, then choose for it. there is no harm in making an attempt. And, don't be stricken in the direction of the 9-12 months-hollow. it continues to be ideal. (i'm two decades outdated and that i choose for to be in a relationship with a lots older guy)

  • UMMM most likely and you aren't really old enough to go out with a guy that is 20. Most guys want sex and age really doesn't matter either, like how old they are, they still want sex. It's a guy thing.

  • its no guy thing ,its a pervert thing .... older guys are usually more mature and look beyond sex ,atleast where i come from sex is something like a fusion of two beings and doesnt just happen like tht ....its the end result of a good relationship !

  • I am older and sex is way at the bottom of the list. I want a relationship first.

  • ALL guys expect sex. Don't wait for him, TELL HIM

  • HELL NO!!! we expect social security services

  • just know, ALL men lie

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