How do you not inhale a cigar?

I mean how do you get the smoke if you don't suck in?


  • When you smoke a cigar, you don't need to swallow the fume into your lungs but to taste and sample it. The clue to be pleased with your stogie is to pull the smoke in, allow it to twirl in your mouth, smack it like a nice drink, and then free it from your mouth

  • when you puff on a cigarette after you take the smoke in you breathe some air in after to bring the smoke into your lungs. With a cigar you don't inhale after you smoke meaning you don't take in more air to bring the smoke down into your lungs, instead you just take a pull of the cigar then breathe it out. This is worse for you lungs and unecissary becasause the nicotine gets absorbed through the mouth and toungue more with cigars.

    your welcome!

  • To inhale is to intake as to the lungs and exhale is the opposite the product as in cigar is intake and does go to the lungs as some as a way of inhale

  • Just like sucking on a straw when drinking. Simple as that.

  • I inhale. Some dont because their *******

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