
1:i want to just ask if braces hurt later on and how long does it last .

2:i also wnt to know if i should take pain relivers before i go and get them?

3: what colors i should get i wnt silver and red but idk???


  • the truth is they will be uncomfortable different people feel differently when they get their braces on i didn't fell a lot of pain but a little discomfortt that's all and yes youshouldd take pain relivers i did and it helped a lot and for the color just pick your favorite and you will have many chances to change the colors

  • 1- they usually start hurting an hour or two after you get them and that lasts about 3-5 days depending on the person and the orthodontist

    2-you dont need pain meds before you go get them because, as i said above, it takes a few hours for the pain to set in. I would take them an hour after you leave unless it starts hurting sooner

    3- silver and red is a good combo but they might not let you get colors when you first get them on, my orthodontist wouldnt let me get them until i had them on for a while but everyone is different so they may let you they may not

  • 1. After a week you will be fine. But it depends on the person and type of braces on how much it'll hurt

    2. yes (and after, but dont overdose)

    3.Just look at the box of colors they have and pick. thats what i did. i never pre-planned it. try silver and red if ya want

  • 1. Yes it hurt me for around 2 days

    2. It doesnt hurt when they put them on only like mabe 2-4 hours after

    3. Get a color that goes with the month like its going to be 4th of july get red, white and blue.

  • braces make your teeth sore for the first few days, but after that you barely notice them

    never get green or yellow it looks like you have somthing in your teeth

    i like white

    this is funny bc i just got my braces off today

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