Do any mythical creatures exist?

Seriously no kidding. I probably sound high as fruck right now. But I'm sober. If you can prove it I'll pay money to see a leprechaun. Or a fairy. And I don't mean like fairy as in queers or leprechaun as in midget.


  • I've always wondered that as well. I think some may exist, but others are just from people seeing something weird and embellishing how they looked/acted or powers that they had. I don't think vampires or anything like that exists, but I do think that some weird creatures do exist, we just either can't see them, or maybe they hide themselves from us. Just a thought :P

  • Ever why so many murders are not solved? People are murdered by mythical beings. I'm a werewolf and I would show you but then I would have to kill you sorry

  • There is a reason why they're called "mythical"

  • I would say that many mythical creatures exist, But I don't believe that a leprechaun is one of those mythical creatures...................................

  • Yep, you are SO high right now.

  • of course not, thats why theyre called "mythical"

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