has multiculturalism failed.....?

please read the links and put aside political views, then maybe we can have a sensible objective debate. i realise some may question the sources, but hopefully you will see them as a means to start the debate.

1-is our version of civilisation/democracy, one mans meat, another mans poison

2-should we force our version of civilisation/democracy upon another nation

3-can multiculturalism only work with some nationalities and not with others, why?








  • Multiculturalism does not mean forcing our version of culture on others (that is colonialism); but accepting a variety of cultures within one community.

    It has not so much failed as not been seriously attempted,

  • I haven't read all of your links as my computer is slow but I heard it mentioned on the news this morning.

    It is very frustrating what David Cameron has said. Just because ONE group of people are causing a problem in the country (e,g, extremist muslims/terrorists) does not mean that the WHOLE of multiculturalism has failed. What about all the other communities and groups living normally and peacefully within Britain - black people (many of whom are staunchly christian), Hindus, sikhs and Jews - do we not count? Most of us are law-abiding, work hard and pay our taxes, speak English fluently and have a wide circle of friends and families which include English/white British people, even as part of our families - do we not count then?

    When Cameron talks of multiculturism, surely he should be more careful of what he says because by implication he is making us out ALL to be bad. Multiculturism is NOT a failure when you put things into perspective. Making sweeping statements that take things out of context like that is dangerous and the leader of a country should know that. He is playing in the hands of the EDL and people like that.

    I bet I get lots of thumbs downs now.

  • W/O analyzing the link, multiculturalism failed for the easy reason that such different human beings have considered it for the absurd attempt at compelled integration that it rather is, and the social engineering stupidity it replaced into from its inception.

  • Yes!It has failed and Cameron has just told the truth.

    Certain ethnic minority groupings have made it abundantly clear that they have no intention of intergrating with the host nation.

    The host nation has turned somersaults to appease some minorities but have been stifled as racists by so called well intentioned individuals who just have a political agenda of their own when they start to criticise.

    Let us be honest. The Labour Party have only took on board certain ethnic minority demands as it is a vote catcher. Nothing else!

    The question I raise is this. Why doesn't these ethnic minorities form a political party of their own?

    Then we will see Labour in its true colours.

    There fore putting it another way. Would that mean that I would have to accept the views and ideals of such individuals such as Abu Hamza who sneak into this country and hurl abuse at the very cornerstone of our democracy encourage others to kill our brave boys and girls just putting their lives on the line whilst he and his family milk the benefits system white!

    If I have to be labelled racist for criticising for what Abu Hamza stands for. Then so be it!

    But remember to call me racist means that you disown those troops in Afghanistan and agree with what the likes of Abu Hamza has said!

  • Pride in your heritage is one thing..... it promotes pride.....multiculturalism is a totally different thing....multiculturalism DIVIDES....... If you want to retain your culture ....stay in your country where that culture is accepted.....when you move to a new country you are agreeing to be a part of THAT nation.....adopting that culture.....

    I am an American living in a foreign land..... I respect my host.....I obey their laws and customs..... I do NOT impose my culture on them..... if I am not happy with their culture...I have the options of adjusting or going home

    The debate....

    1. Yes.....culture is a result of thousands of years of development and not easily adjusted.....every culture has it's own value system..... where some cling to life; others will willingly sacrifice life for higher values... in some cultures our version of democracy will never work

    2. Nobody died and left us in charge of the world.....it is NOT our mandate to decide what is best for others..... each must find it's own path and solutions

    3. Multiculturalism is the anathema of nationalism....it separates people ; does not unify them

    I am learning the language of my new home..... I am studying their history and customs.... I respect them..... Americans are culturally confrontational..but this culture e is NOT.... I have had to suppress my normal cultural response to situations and adopt their "pakiki sama" (get along with others) approach.

  • In 99% of the country, there are people who come from more than one culture living side by side with each other. Many of them have different faiths (or lack of faiths) and still manage to live side by side, cause each other no trouble and in many case, actually get along with each other.

    The thing is, the vast majority of this country get along fine with each other every day, despite coming from a myriad of cultures, religions, countries and backgrounds. This doesn't seem like failure to me.

  • Yes, it only works if the immigrant is willing to actually become an American. It doesn't work to come to the US and just want Americans to change to their language, customs, etc. It doesn't work to move to a new country and keep your old country with you. That is the problem in the US today. Bilingual education simply makes sure there is a lower class when they are encouraged not to speak English and blend into society. Very unfair.

  • Almost everyone CAME to the U.S. to be free from oppression in their native land.Their is nothing wrong with holding onto your family traditions. Just don't expect the U.S. to change our laws for new comers, if you don't like our language and laws go back to your old mud hole and make room for someone who wants to be a U.S. Citizen!! Adios amigo!!

  • I sort of agree with that wanker, but i still hate him. you can go on and on about not forcing out culture on other in this country, but the end of teh day, like it or not, alot of people force their culture on us. Some things must not be forced upon e.g. religion, and he should only change unacceptable things such as discriminating children and women. They chose to come to our country and they must abide by our basic rules, even if they are not used to it. sorry if this answer is racist, or rushed or doesnt make sense, but im rushing it.

  • Failure is not an option

    We all have to meet others half way, forget that "my way or nothing" attitude

    It seems to work fairly well in Canada, although there will always be those who want the world to adapt to their world. On visits to the UK I seem to notice the ghetto way of living, all white, or all coloured

    In my home town (Oswestry) its still all white, and I noticed the same thing on a day out in Felixstowe.

    You have to mix it up, or you will have trouble

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