Do you ever wish social media never existed?

Besides Yahoo of course lol.. I mean social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. It just became too much of an unnecessary distraction, so I decided to just delete all of my accounts and now my friends are pissed at me. As nice as it can be for communication, I feel like it's a bad thing in a way. Almost everyone I know is addicted to it, and I find it to be kind of sad.


  • I don't wish it never existed, but I wish it stayed more like back in the days of Myspace than how it's become since Facebook became popular. The main difference being on Myspace it was mostly new people who shared similar interests I was meeting and I was fairly anonymous (at most I'd use my first name only), whereas Facebook is the same old people I know from real life (most of whom I really don't care about but am only friends with on there to not be rude) and I use my full name on there. I don't personally find it a distraction, but then again, it bores me so I don't do much than a quick lurk on facebook each day. I don't really use it for communication that much, but do like that I have an easy way to contact people if I were to choose to do so. As far as Twitter and Instagram, I'm so over social media, so I never bothered to start accounts on either of those.

  • I have never had a Facebook,instagram or a twitter and have no plans to have any of that crap.I miss the good old days when none of that crap existed.Everything that happens in life now has to be put on the internet for the world to see and it is sad.

  • All of the time. I feel people lose their own identity and become this automaton who seeks acceptance, eventually joining "groups" purely because it feels powerful to be apart of something, even if you don't truely believe in it.

  • Yeah kinda but then again it reveals people you dont know well

  • Don't use it,have no need.

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