Texto em inglês está correto ? se não estiver me corrigem?

Microsoft takes a second screen to Xbox SmartGlass One using technology that works on any smartphone or tablet . The feature already exists on the Xbox 360 and is compatible with some games . Through it , the player has access , depending on the game or service, maps , lists of weapons , information , and can even use the device as a control .

The SmartGlass also allows the user to see friends lists and achievements , buy games for download and view tips of bonds to buy or play .

Sony release the " PlayStation App " for smartphones , allowing access friends lists , trophies and even buy games . Send messages to friends and watching live matches of users PS4 will also be possible through the devices , which show maps and information about the games .

Still on the Sony console , the PlayStation Vita , the company's portable , will run all games PS4 within the local network player . The images are processed in PS4 and transmitted to the Vita . Thus , the TV can be used by another family while the game is played in their entirety on the laptop .


eu quero dizer que A Microsoft levará a segunda tela ao Xbox One usando a tecnologia Smart Glass,


  • eu sou professora de ingles e tenho 2 aulas de ingles em cursos diferentes

    esse seu texto esta exatamente correto.


    más que segunda tela o Microsoft tem? Ñ entendi?!

  • 1. Não se coloca espaço antes de sinais de pontuação (i.e., vírgula, ponto final etc.), apenas depois.

    2. " Through it , the player has access, ..." - Essa frase está estranha.

    3. "and can even use the device as a control." - "control" aqui não serve. Não sei o que você quis dizer, mas deve ser "remote control" (controle remote que nem o da TV) ou "controller" (controle de um videogame, o joystick).

    4. "buy games for download" - o correto seria "through" e não "for", ou "buy games digitally".

    5. "view tips of bonds to buy or play" - não entendi o que seriam "bonds".

    6. "Sony releaseS"

    7. "allowing access TO friends lists"

    8. "BESIDES sendING messages to friends and watching live matches of OTHER users, THE PS4 will also be ACCESSIBLE through **the devices** (que "devices" são esses???)

    10. "will run all games PS4 within the local network player" (está confuso e errado)

    "will run all games in/inside (the) PS4 within the player's local network"

    9. Cansei :-) Faz o texto de novo, ele tá confuso. Às vezes você usa o presente, às vezes o futuro... Fatam preposições, artigos...

  • Vou continuar o que no nosso colega acima disse, ele parou em "games.".

    Still talking about Sony's consoles, the Playstation Vita, the company's portable, will run all PS4 games as long as a local network is available. The images are processed in the PS4 and then are sent to the Vita. Furthermore, watching TV and playing at the same time will be possible in case the game is only being played on the laptop.

  • Seu texto está muito bom.

    Há duas coisas que precisam ser corrigidas. No primeiro parágrafo:

    " the player has access ,depending on the game or service TO maps, lists.etc"

    No segundo parágrafo:'SENDING ,messages to friends and watching ....."!

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