Is AIDS a contagious disease?

I was wondering if HIV can be given to you by someone else. Or AIDS.

I know HIV and AIDS are completely different but I was just wondering.


  • If you have any open wounds, or swap any kind of fluids with an infected person.. then yes!

  • Oh boy. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt only because I take medical questions very seriously:

    Infection with the HIV virus eventually causes the disease called AIDS, which slowly destroys your ability to fight infection, so you get sick with things that normal people don't get sick from. It takes a while to develop AIDS (8-10 years, sometimes), after being infected, so technically you can have HIV infection without having AIDS. You cannot, however, have AIDS without having HIV.

    So you're right, they're not the same thing, technically. But one leads to the other.

    And yes, you can only get the HIV virus from someone else. Usually through sexual contact, but also through other sources, like sharing needles used for IV drug abuse. And you CAN spread HIV, even if you haven't developed AIDS symptoms yet.

  • Oh boy. I will give you the benefit of the doubt best because I take medical questions very significantly: contamination with the HIV virus finally causes the disease referred to as AIDS, which slowly destroys your potential to combat contamination, so that you get in poor health with matters that natural people don't get ailing from. It takes a even as to boost AIDS (8-10 years, mostly), after being infected, so technically that you can have HIV illness without having AIDS. You can't, however, have AIDS without having HIV. So you are proper, they're not the identical thing, technically. But one results in the other. And sure, that you would be able to simplest get the HIV virus from any individual else. In general by means of sexual contact, but additionally through different sources, like sharing needles used for IV drug abuse. And you could unfold HIV, even supposing you have not developed AIDS symptoms but.

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