True or false...?

Evangelicals can not tolerate deomocrocy


  • False. While some may want a theocracy, many evangelicals are just fine with the way things are. Lumping them all together means that you only see the stereotypes.

  • Hi there,

    I have to disagree with you, just a wee bit....

    Democracy is what allows them to be the backward bible thumping bigots that they are...

    Remember, "The First Amendment"....

    Every citizen shall have the right to say and publish that which they feel but, also the accountability of the same....

    I find them to be anti-social in regard to the national Constitution.

    However; I am mindful that the Constitution guarantees them the liberty to think as they wish, not to impose......

    They dine in the belly of the Beast to appease the crooked lobbyist

    and legislators.

    They tend not to see that they are running with their eyes closed.

    I seem to recall that there was to be separation between church and state.

    Religion is not the evil that's wrong; it's kindred people (ac-cumulatively ), with black hearts and minds....

    "Solidarity," to you and (America the Beautiful)...

  • Partially true; they cannot tolerate free thought

  • True, but no one else can tolerate bad spellers either.

  • Undecided

  • TRUE. All the can tolerate is TOTAL CONTROL

  • It may be true, but isn't it the Democracy that helps them further their cause?

  • the ones I knew loved democracy

  • i think they like democracy, the freedom of choice but cant stand so many making the wrong choice

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