Why do people create computer viruses!????!?

We just got another virus today, right after we got our computer fixed. Some total selfish jerk out there is making computer viruses. Seriously, I want to find everyone who makes viruses and throw them into a hole for the rest of their lives, giving them only moldy bread to eat, and they will NEVER touch another computer or electronic device again. Anyone else agree with me? I HATE these people and wish they would drop dead. Why the heck do they make computer viruses? WHY!


  • Well, to be perfectly honest, it wouldn't be worth it for hackers and programmers to continue to do what they do if they didn't have the money or time to do it. But because people don't know what to do and how to protect them selves or their machines, these hackers are gaining resources and people are just handing over the money.

    But another thing is that if it wasn't for hackers, we wouldn't have the security that with our banks, our government and even some of the programs we all use on a daily basis. People like myself would be out of the job and would probably have to turn to hacking to make a living. I just didn't turn to the dark side......... yet

  • Could it be like Danny Glover said in Silverado? "Because they enjoy it."

    No, there's money to be gained. Odd thing about the internet these days. Spend a few hours looking at Yahoo! Answers. I think you'll find that there's LOTS of questions by folks looking for free software, right? Or free websites. Or free blogs. Free this, and free that. Right? In fact, maybe as much as, one sixth of the computer questions are about free stuff.

    Now. Go look again. How many folks are asking: How can I make money online? Write down the names of those people, and go back and look, at how many of those very same folks were looking for free stuff.

    Can't have it both ways. Gotta pay to play. So if folks can't get money for the software they write (and how can you, if someone else is writing it for free?) then SOME folks may turn around and write viruses. Many viruses, you will find, are just things that scan your computer for personal info, like your email address, credit card info, street address, and like that. The virus writer can turn around and sell that stuff to junk mailers, advertisers, and the like. There's the bucks. That's where the motivation for lots of viruses comes from. $

  • Some people create computer viruses so they can make money. It is thought by some experts that last year's big scare (Conficker, I believe) is "advertising" for creating a botnet-for-hire.

    Some people want to prove just how good they are.

    Some people are simply antisocial.

    There have actually been studies of the personalities of hackers. There is quite a famous one some years ago (Kevin Mitnick was his name, I believe. He wrote a book about his hacking. I read it and found it fascinating.)

  • Yea seriously these people have serious issues... like what do they get out of it? Are they that bored... is there an award show or trophy they get for making a trojan? They use their computer skills to ruin others computers... they should be helping people.. not destroying what people have worked so hard for! I got 1 on our computer @ my parents and we had to pay McAfee 96 dollars to remove it...these people who create viruses.. they have no purpose in life.. they are vultures..

  • Interesting thought. What if an anti-virus software company made a virus which can bypass other anti-virus software but not theirs would that make them more money???

    But yeah, I hate virus makers and wish I could find one and cause some physical pain for all my emotional and financial pain.

  • Lots of different reasons. Some do it because they can. Some do it to prove a point. But most do it for money. Most viruses spam you with ads or otherwise scam you out of money.

  • People do it for many reasons. but the biggest one is so they can gain access to personal information stored on your computer. Usually involving your finances. And others do it just to be mean. Like cyber-terrorism.

  • I hate these people too. The first poster got it right. Money is the foremost reason.

  • the ones who do it for fun are the most annoying ones

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