I am so paranoid. Is this bad?

I'm a 14 year old female, and super paranoid all the time.

I can no longer sleep in the dark because my over active imagination forces me to see things that aren't there and I get paranoid that something or someone is in the room out to get me if I am in the quite darkness. Heck, just writing that raises my paranoid level a ton.

Also, I can't remember the last time I trusted someone. Even though I call people my friends and say I'll go to them if I ever need anything, truth is I don't trust any of them. Not with little things like I'm mad today, or big things like how sometimes I just wanna die. I keep a front that I am happy bubbly person with everyone because I don't trust them at all enough to tell them my real feelings and thoughts.

There's a few more but I don't want to waste anymore of your time..

So is this bad? Am I messed up or something?


Also, this has kept me from doing a lot of things. Last year I couldn't go on a trip to New York because I was too paranoid about riding a plane and what not.


  • I had the same fear of "someones out to get me" when I was little, and I believe it is a fairly normal phobia for younger people. You need to know that everyone has some form of paranoia, but most people don't allow their paranoia to bother them. It's when you obsess over the small fears that the real problems are created. At least from my experience, the more you obsess, the worse it seems. I strongly suggest you share your concern with your parents or a therapist as soon as possible. You will be surprised how comforting it can be to have someone know what you're going through. Keep your chin up, if problems like these are addressed and dealt with quickly, they are usually not manifested into adulthood. Also, distract yourself as much as possible. Do crafts or learn to play an instrument, and this will help keep you from obsessing.

  • Alot of people have this case! you are not alone. :] i use to be like that. i could never really get a good sleep because i would wake up instantly whenever i hear someone or something make a sound at night. I suggest sleeping pills... but you are still young. Some people are just like that and you cant do much. You are going to have to find someone you trust even if you dont want to, usually that person will come to you. Because by the time you hit your adult years, habits and personality become very hard to change

  • I fear that if you try to kill a spider and you miss...It will come back for you. If I am outside I CAN NOT stay still because I am looking for spiders that are just waiting to jump on me when I least expect it. I am also afraid to be alone in the dark. I know that monsters are not real, but the dark really freaks me out if I am alone and I'm 22 years old. I am also afraid to fry anything on my stove because I think my kitchen will burst into flames. I have only a couple of friends because I also do not trust anyone, but then again the friends I have had were not trustworthy people. Some fears are normal, they help you to be more cautious of your surroundings.

  • You need to find a counselor or an adult you can talk to. Something has happened to you to make you not trust people and to be alone in the dark. Find someone you think you can take a chance on to trust and give it a try - good luck!

  • You could have psychosis. It is a mental disorder when you confuse fantasy with reality, etc.

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