Should I do a senior portrait?

Well I really don't want to, but everyone else seems to be doing it. But to me (a guy) it seems like all the pictures guys do look for senior pictures have stupid backgrounds and they look kind of gay, but I know many seniors do it but im not sure if I should. and does anyone know if usually you have to turn them in before school or can you do it anytime?


  • They are gay. and expensive.

    Look, if you the idea of school portraits ever came across as stupid as a kid, then dont do it. If you thought they were ok, because you could look back, then maybe. If you like the portaits..well, you wouldnt be asking, would you?

    The idea is that you take a quality picture of yourself- none of this kodak moment crap- (ok, a kodak moment is actually a good slogan, but still) and you keep it so you can show your kids, give it to your Girlfriend, grandma, etc. That aunt you have in georgia or something.

    If you have a mom or dad with a DSLR camera, they can probably do it themselves very easily (getting good quality images) with a little reasearch (message me if you need help with that)

    but yeah, it goes back to history. 1920s= pictures are rare and hardto find and stuff. picture= immortality and special, special moments.

    that;'s basically it. if you want to have a quality photo of a special moment, go for it. If its not special, don't care about it.

    Senior pics are usually over-glorified school portraits anyways, or really just photo-shoots where you hold a guitar and pretend to smile while on the back of a rented pick-up truck.

    If your worried and do want it to be that gay or whatever, buy a disposable camera and have someone take a pic of you and your mom or dad smiling or something. Probably worth 10000x more if your relaxed and just happy to be with family or something.

  • If you don't want to do it, don't. It can be pretty expensive, and it's only a big deal for a month or two. Most of my friends did it in high school, but I didn't. I wasn't scarred for life.

    If you just want some normal pictured without all the backgrounds and props, it shouldn't be hard to find a cheaper alternative somewhere.

  • Check your school's requirements for when you need them submitted. All schools are different. But you definitely should do it. You can be creative and do something different from everyone else - like taken in a outdoor setting. You will be glad you had it done years from now.

  • Do you love high school? yes.

    Do you hate it and can't wait to move on with your life? No- get a friend to snap a good pic for the yearbook and call it good. Save your money for something fun!

  • do it even if it looks gay... seriously all of them do look 'gay' but if you don't you'll be thinking you should of...

    for the time thing i dont know your school but mine take it anytime if i go to the office

    *smile if you dont you'll look like a gay model glaring in a magazine or something

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