Which places do not drug test?

I am in high school and I am looking for a job. I smoke weed about twice a week. I don't want to hear any ignorant comments saying "weed is bad" or "don't ruin your life". That's far from the truth. I am hoping to find a job without quitting but if I have to, I will. So I would really like to know which stores do not drug test! Thank you!!!!!


  • wow... small business owners usually don't'.

    Good luck with your future

  • well stay away from jobs that are run through the government or anyhting to with the goverment. Most big big companies will do drug testing. so small franchises or fast food some factory work. just apply for jobs as normal and if you get sprung with a drug test then bail and dont return and continue your search for jobs.

    remember when taking any drug....

    When you can quit, you dont want to

    when you want to quit, you cant or its very difficult because your body has become dependant of it.

  • I believe most places don't actually require you to do drug test. It's really expensive to give drug test to all of a company's employees.

  • places that wouldnt care like bob evans,mcdonalds.those places seriously doesnt care and they pay low and they treat people bad.

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