How does Christianity make sense?

Just how exactly, did God make any logical moves?

He created man and woman with original sin. Then he impregnated a woman with himself so he can be born. Once alive in human form, he killed himself as a sacrifice to himself. To save people from the sin he originally condemned people to.

What is this, I don't even?


Woahh man, sorry I did not cite my source.

Fireball: does God have a plan for everyone or does he let people choose? Because it can't be both.


  • God did not create "man and woman with original sin"

    The account of the Creation in Genesis uses figurative language, but affirms a primeval event, a deed that took place at the beginning of the history of man. Revelation gives us the certainty of faith that the whole of human history is marked by the original fault freely committed by our first parents.

    If we assume that the Big Bang happened and Evolution is true, the scenario might happen like this. A manlike being is slowly evolving. At some point God gives these beings a soul. They become human beings with free will and responsibility.

    These human beings lived in complete “original” holiness, in perfect loving relationships with God and each other. They loved God with all their heart, with all their soul, and with all their mind. They loved each other as much as they loved themselves.

    Then the first human beings chose to break off this relationship with God, choosing to be selfish instead of loving. This was the Original Sin.

    Consequently, they lost the grace of original holiness and sin became universally present in the world.

    Besides the personal sin of the first human beings, original sin describes the fallen state of human nature, which affects every person born into the world, and from which Christ, the "new Adam," came to redeem us.

    For more information, see the Catechism of the Catholic Church, sections 390 and following:

    With love in Christ.

  • Wow, you are very close to being a Christian. You believe in creation, original sin, the Virgin birth, the sacrificial death of Christ, and vicarious atonement.

    What you do not understand is that while God might have foreknew all of these things, He did not predestine them. I would compare this to you watching a movie for the second time. You know what is coming next, but that doesn't mean you're making it happen or that you should try to re-produce the movie and change it according to your liking. It's not your place to do that.

    Mankind bears all the responsibility for the choices they have made. All evil is the result of rejecting God's clearly revealed will. So, how is God to blame for our bad choices. Was your father responsible for your choices when you disobeyed him? I would have hated to try that one on my dad !

  • It makes when you look at all the reasoning. The way you make it sound sounds harsh and meaty. But put in love every time and you will see where this all comes from.

    -God created man and woman because he needed something to love.

    -God came to earth to spread love to people and to give hope to a nation that had spent so many years under oppression to so many other empires.

    -God sacrificed Himself to prove his love to us when we never deserved it.

    It's all in between the lines.

    Jesus is just a friend. Not a master, nor a rule book. he just brings light into a dark place.

  • That's not Christianity. Original sin is human kind's rebellion against God. We still do it today. God entered the human race put himself on trial as a sacrifice for our sin and our salvation.

  • hello,

    i'll have to admit it doesn't register with the logical mind-set , but it was designed that way because ppl through the logic discounted God and chose to worship the created thing rather than creator read romans ch 1 and 1 corithians ch 1 it will give you some insight on what went on/is going on. You forget that it was they(we) that sinned against Him ,Him being holy can't stand the sight of nor can the sinful stand in His prescence without wanting to hide from His glory(brilliance) which causes one to be ever conscience of their short-comings and sinful deedsn causing them to want to run and hide .like outlaws(killers, rapist ,etc need to be imprisoned will those that have commited and have decided to stay in that mind-set and continue to want to do deeds that are forbidden in heaven and will not be allowed inside the gates of heaven .

  • It doesn't.

    Humans have a part of our brains that allows us to comprehend the actions of other people.

    Religious people mistakenly apply this ability to nature itself.

    They assume there is some purpose, or reasoning behind it... Because that is how 'we' would have done things, if 'we' were in charge.

    But in reality, nature isn't controlled by an intelligent being. It might seem like it is at first glance, but if you look closer it quickly becomes clear that this is wrong.

    They just don't seem to be able to get past this mistake.

  • It doesnt.

    In Islam God created the first man and woman. He sent them down to earth because of their sin and promised the gooddoers and believers paradise for their gooddoing.

  • Am I lacking some thing here....? all of us (babies, people who in no way heard of the bible, etc) need to bypass to hell as a results of fact a mystical speaking snake confident one woman hundreds of years in the past to consume one fruit? isn't that basically somewhat unfair? And what the hell grew to become into incorrect with eating the fruit besides? Whats incorrect with know-how of solid and evil? If Adam and Eve could not comprehend evil, how would desire to they comprehend that eating the fruit grew to become into incorrect? with a bit of luck your question grew to become into basically an exceptionally extraordinary shaggy dog tale....

  • "does God have a plan for everyone or does he let people choose? Because it can't be both."

    God knows everybody's future, but if a person has the blood of Jesus in his heart, God will change His mind about their future.

    All people are predestined to either heaven or hell before they are even born. But if a person who is predestined to hell repents, God can change His mind.



  • You can tell Christianity is a little flawed... The Christians have twisted the Truth for so long most people can't tell the difference..... it's sad...

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