How do you quote dialogue?

What I need to quote:

"Lena," persisted Cole. "What do you want to be when you grow up?"

Her parents and Grandma Kath had stopped talking and were looking at her now. Lena raised her eyebrows at them and said to Cole, "Happy."

I also need help shortening the quote because all I need is Cole asking what she wants to be and the whole second part..


  • It's not clear what you actually want.

    Is the entire thing a 'quote' from something, or did you just mean the speech needed to be quoted?

    The second offering should be self explanatory to the reader as to what Cole asked.

    "Lena, what do you want to be when you grow up?"

    Her parents and Grandma Kath had stopped talking and were looking at her now. Lena raised her eyebrows at them and replied to Cole, "Happy."


    Lena replied to Cole's question, "Happy".

    Her parents and Grandma Kath had stopped talking and were looking at her now. Lena raised her eyebrows at them...

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