Is this email from yahoo spam?

Yahoo! Mail


Dear Valid Users,

Our records indicate that your account hasn't been updated as a part of our regular account maintenance: CLICK HERE to update your account now. If you do not verify your account now, You serve the risk of losing your account permanently. Thank you for your usual co-operation. We apologize for the inconvenience.


Yahoo! Mail Product Management.

Copyright © 2013 Mail! Inc. (Co. Reg. No. 2344507D)All Rights

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  • Yahoo! Account » Yahoo! Account Help » Article

    Unsolicited email asking for password or other personal information from Yahoo!

  • Yahoo Account Helpline@+1^800^782^3911

  • I got one of these too. I marked it phishing. I then started doing research and came across your question. Odd, because my friends email account was hacked a couple of days ago. People in here contact list were sent a distressing message asking for money. Now I get a phishing email from a yahoo address.

  • Total scam. Try hovering your mouse over the "click here" link and display what domain name it is going to link you to. Guaranteed it is NOT or anything official. Mark as spam/phishing and move on.

  • Yes, it is spam.

    Few reasons:

    It looks like spam.

    Yahoo! doesn't need your account information, they already have it.

    They don't do "regular account maintenance."

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