Why is anime so popular?

Anime is a pathetic cartoon that isn't even drawn properly, it is crap and stupid. The fans are sickening and, in my opinion, should be exterminated or sent to an island where they can be with their own kind! They are stupid sickening people that sit and watch a cartoon for god knows how many hours a day, and they're not even embarrassed. Anime is so terribly crap and boring, it should be banned and if you watch you get executed because the people who watch it deserve to die!


  • Hi I'm an anime lover but don't start hatin' me and not read on (:

    It is probably the same as asking 'Why are games so popular? People who play games should get a life because it's all fake and they should wake up to reality etc etc'. Who hadn't play games before? Be it the pixel computer games like Maplestory, RPG games like DOTA or LOL or the most basic and typical cardboard games like Monopoly and snakes-and-ladders.

    In all, it's mainly for ENTERTAINMENT. Some people just dislike it while some loved it, it is based on self-preference. It is the same thing as having people dislike novels or drama. It is a form of entertainment!(I must stress this)

    What you've just said is just so one-sided. I understand that there are people who think anime is childish and 'fake' but to others it's just different.

    I'll give you SOME of the common reasons why some people think it's awesome :

    1. Anime allows us to see something that is not quite possible to happen in real life. Fantasy, magic etc. (We just love to indulge ourselves in non-fictional stuff.)

    2. Awesome story plot that keeps us watching on.

    3. Great skills of art and animation that attracts people to watch on.

    4. Sometimes anime characters can be more expressive than actors in dramas.

    5. Inspire us.

    6. Anime is a form of art like Movies, Dramas and Novels.

    7. More which have been yet to named because of my limit knowledge.

    A real Mangaka and animator, as same as movie director, requires to go through examinations and attend courses at an arts school specialized in this field and it is not easy to be one so I don't see the reason why animes are stupid because only the best of the best were able to produce a REALLY GOOD one.

    Also, maybe those animes you've watched so far does not suit your taste and hence you labelled them as 'crap'. You can't just proclaimed that animes are crap just because those you've seen so far are, in your opinion. That's kind of stereotyping unless you can proudly tell me that you've watched and completed more than 40 types of animes with different genres for some.

    By this answer, I'm not trying to strongly influence you into thinking that anime is awesome or forcefully change your mind about anime. I'm just answering the same plain simple question of 'Why is anime so popular?' but after reading this if you think anime still sucks, it's fine.

    Please be more selective and smart with your language when you ask a question somewhat in a sense similiar to this. I understand that you're trying to express yourself but if you start throwing all those negative and impolite words, going around cursing, you're just getting people who love what you hate to hate you and I'm sure you wouldn't want that.

    P.S. Anime is different from cartoon please don't mix it up together. Yahoo just doesn't have a category which clearly states 'anime' sadly.

    Hope this answers your question! (:

  • well ive already answered your other exact same question, but will add to this one. since you are saying they are not properly drawn which animes (if any) have you watched. and as one answer said what do you class as properly drawn.

  • First off, please take a chill pill. Secondly, what is your definition of a properly drawn cartoon? Lastly, what people choose to do with their day is their choice.

  • Anime is popular because people like it.

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