Do canned clams taste good?

I read somewhere online that they are full of vitamin B12 and I'm willing to give them a try, I've tried muscles before and I like those do they have a similiar taste?


  • You couldn't pay me enough to eat seafood from a can. I don't even like canned tuna. Fresh or not at all. Edible only in case of apocalypse.

  • The only way I have used canned clams is in Vermicelli pasta with olive oil & garlic, and that was a box from like Pasta Roni or something. They aren't bad in this manner. I would use canned in a crunch but only in a recipe, not just to try them straight from the can. Maybe go to a restaurant and order a fresh clam dish to try them out so you don't getthe wrong impression of them.

    I always prefer fresh seafood, but I will eat canned tuna.

  • Personally I don't think they are not as good as fresh or frozen. I would only have them if they were canned in water, rather than oil.

    In a way they are a similar taste, but eaten next to a mussel there is quite a difference.


  • They're good in recipes; terribly small for eating right from the can, but you can do that if you want. If you like mussels, you'll like clams, I think.

  • You've eaten muscles? Don't touch the biceps. HAHA! They are mussels. And clams don't taste good uncanned. All canned food doesn't taste that good.

  • pls correct ur spelling not muscles is mussels,i think they taste different but i like it with thai sweet sauce.

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