Do You Ever Ask Yourself ???

Why you were born Human and not a Camel or Spider? Please understand what I'm asking. We are here as People and obviously were lucky to be born as such. I do think sometimes that if I were born as a Whale I would be happier cruising the Oceans depths as I eat tons of Plankton or Squid. Then again a Harpoon would really suck! If I were born a Dog I realize I would be getting the short end of the stick since some Humans give them bad food and abuse them. I'm glad I wasn't born a Spider! I don't like the idea of me sucking on a Fly! Yuck!!! Do you ever wonder why you were born the entity you are?

Peaceful and Respectful answers are really appreciated ... Really! Thanks for any answers.


  • I never thought of it that way to ask it myself, but I would've loved to have been born as a bird because flying is such a beautiful thing. They don't have to stay in one place--most birds are completely free to fly to different places and stay in their favorite climate.

    If there was any animal that I could choose to understand it would be a dog because they're just so darn cute. I would not want to be a dog though, just communicate with them.

  • Ok, complicated topic and im not sure if i can get you to understand what i believe in, but here it goes!

    My dad is a really wise man (trust me, he really is) and he believes that we are human this live because on our past live we did something worthwile and substantious. The live chain never ends and thats why "christians" say that you should do good deed to go to heaven, well its the same kinda theory i believe in as if we are good now then we will be given a good chance for what we did good later! Also my mum does life regression and apparently 3 lifes ago i was some sort flying animal (cant get any specifics on it as it was such a long time ago).

    But yea everything matches, have you ever wondered why you do things like enjoy certain things or have certain habita thyat are completely irrelevant to your family roots or family routine? (ie: you love blue cheese, but every1 else hates it OR your scared of the dark but have no reason whatsoever). well this sort of links are important to finding out who or what you were in your previous life.

    You cant choose what you wanna be in your next life either as when you die and you are passed onto the next life, thoughts of bad deeds will come to your mind and will unable you to open the "human" doors to the next life.

    Hope this helps

  • Yes, I do.

    I have thought about why each creature was created as such. And as a human being I feel as though I have the keen sight of an eagle and the free spirit of a dolphin, gliding the sea of life.

    Be blessed. ♥

  • I do think that sometimes but also why are we born as a human in the developing world too - how lucky are we not to be born somewhere like india, ethiopia, zimbabwe etc

  • My personal beliefs taught me that I was intended by God to be a human and to be "me". I understand what you're saying though. I sometimes consider how lucky I am to be a human born in a country and city where I wasn't worried about what I was going to eat for my next meal or where I would sleep. It is amazing sometimes when you put into perspective how lucky we truely are to have the things we do. Simply, the ability to think and do for ourselves...

  • Yes, and sometimes i wonder why i was born Me. I am so lucky i was born to be me living i the USA, when there are so many kids in the world living in poverty who are starving to death or are born with aids. We are so blessed to be born the way we are and we take that for granted sometimes.

  • i was born as i am because of my mom and dad and i am glad i was , i think i was born to give a little happiness to them in their old age. as i didn't give them much growing up lol (( no I'm a good girl really lol )) i love to give back the Love i receive from those who give me love ,, but unrequited love now that isn't fair is it lol so over all I'm pleased with who i am becoming

  • No, I never really thought about it but I am glad I'm human♥

  • Nope. . . I'm just somewhat happy I am human. I wouldn't want to be a dung beatle pushing poop around or an ant working in an ant colony, etc.

  • You were born a human because God had a purpose for you and you could better serve it as a human. : )


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