Do you think I failed my Grade 4 ABRSM piano exam?

Today, I took my Grade 4 piano exam. I have been ill for the past 48 hours and I believe I did not perform as well as I could of.

My first two scales went fine but then on the next one I slipped up so restarted then slipped up again. I then started it again and it went ok. I began the minor scale on the wrong scale but quickly restarted and I think it went ok. The first piece went ok I think, the second one I missed a crescendo and on the third one I messed up near the end with about 4 wrong notes but got back to the right ones quickly after. The sight reading went alright I think but I was not really concentrating on the rhythm, I just tried to get the right notes and hold at dotted notes. I first bit of the aural went alright but the clapping bit, I'm not sure if it was anywhere near right.

I was so nervous... do you think I failed it??? :(


  • I don't think you will have failed, from what you've written. Messing up on scales and last piece isn't good but only missing a crescendo- don't worry about that- i forgot about all the dynamics on my last piece for my ABRSM grade 5 piano exam and i still scraped a merit! My sister did her grade 2 and came out crying and then she got a distinction!!

    Aural and sight-reading i've always found hard but that sounds alright.

    When they mark you, they'll take into account that you'll be nervous performing and unfamiliar with the piano and examinor.

    I'm sure you passed, possibly a merit.

    Don't stress about it now it's over- wait for the results!

    Good luck!! I'm sure you did great and even if u fail - don't give up piano- it is awesome!!!

  • Abrsm Piano Grade 4

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