who do you think is prettier?

ohkay, my church is really small, so there are only two girls that are anywhere close to my age - me and another girl. i always try to be nice to her, but she always puts me down and says that shes prettier than me. shes more popular than me, and she has more confidence, and its starting to really get to me. is it true??

p.s. dont answer if you hate questions like this. and i am not fishing for compliments.

me - http://s253.photobucket.com/albums/hh44/sweetxxhea...

her - http://s253.photobucket.com/albums/hh44/sweetxxhea...


  • wow im surprise so many people answer already lol. but still to the point...

    i think you both are pretty ^.^

    common your both church girls and if shes being a stuck up person it just goes to tell you that your the better person.

    confidence is a key thing though. you should be comfortable with yourself at this age (i think you look like your in middle school) you shouldnt really worry about looks and stuff. your still young and im not that much older than you.. i think lol but still be something you can be proud of.

    In the end, yea she and be prettier, more popular but it shouldnt bother you. what should bother you is that she isnt acting anywhere close to a friend. sometime its probably best if you just ignore her. :]

    be happy with yourself <3

  • if shes really as nasty and rude as you said she was then theres no use comparing yourselfs because its not what counts on the outside its what counts on the inside. so if shes that mean theres no use looking at her and saying ohh shes soo much prettier than me and i wish i was as pretty as her (etc.)

    you go up to her and say:

    just because you might be prettier than me on the outside that doesnt make you a good person. so im not even gonna waste my breath and fight with you because everyone is beautiful and i am beautiful no matter what you say.

    Hope I Helped : ]

  • It doesn't matter if she is or not and honestly you both look really similar. Who cares if you're prettier or not. She is obviously concieted about her looks and if you aren't that should give you more confidence and more popularity. You're a better person if you just accept yourself for who you are, don't compare yourself to others.

  • Both of you two are very pretty, BUT half of your features are cut off so I can not choose the better one, Therefore both of you are equal.

  • you both look very similar. her picture is more eye catching, the grass and sun make it stand out, but you both look exactly the same, her picture just seemed more BAM lmao sorry i know it may not make sence

  • i think your prettier but she is kinda young and shes cute so... you cant really compare but she does look very confident.

  • no she is not. she is putting you down so that she feels better about herself. some people cant feel justified and good about them selves unless they put others down and think they are better.

  • I think you guys look alike. your both pretty.

  • i cant see any difference, you both look very pretty.

  • yea,you both look the same.

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