ex made contact despite police asking him not to?

ive just got out of an abusive relationship with my ex, but he carried on sending me nasty messages, abusive phone calls, telling me he hates me, threatening suicide, telling me he's been stalking me, coming to the house etc..

i went to the police and reported it. they phoned him and asked him to keep away and stop making contact. a few hours later i got a text from him saying he wants his final say, how could i have gone to the police, ive f********up his life, he hopes we never meet again.

do i just hope this is his last text and do nothing, or do i need to report it. ive heard nothing from him today


  • I don't know where your from, but down ehre, police can't do nothing unless he try to do something to you in person. Other then that he allow to call and bother you till no telling when. Ignore the text, and the calls. If you got caller id, then that alone is your friend for now. The more you text him back and talk to him. the more he gonna act like a spoil brat.

    He wants the attention, even if you gotten away from him before. He still wants to control you when you are apart. Sounds liek you are letting him, by taking his call and answering his text. Ignore his butt , no matter what he say, ignore, get caller id, or anything that shows his number. I always heard, a man that hits a woman will never fight another man.

    If your scared get a friend or a brother and have them to stay with you. Buy pepper spray, get a dog, or locks that will keep the dummy from getting it. As long as you are reading his texts, then you getting yourself bother up. Delete them as soon as you get them, see if you can get a new cell number or home number.

    But right now sounds like he is toying with you, and like I said if you reply back to him he gonna do it till you stand up for yourself and stop it. Don't go back with him, thats if you have thought bout it, it will make matters worse then even before. Need to listen to that song by keith urban called stupid boy thats a good song. But I been there and still going thur it sorta.

  • He sounds like he needs to grow up, and that he wants all the attention, just leave it for now, and if he contacts again, then report it. But other then that, I'd say your best thing to do right now, is move on let him spit and kick in his buggy, and ignor him, he'll get the hint eventually!

  • just let it go. If he is contacts you again looking for a response, then you report it. Sometimes people just need to get out a last something before they let someone go. Sounds like this might be it.

  • If it continues, you need to get a solicitor to ask the local court to get a restraining order against him (I hope you have those in the UK...we have them here in the US). This will legally bind him to stay away from you and not to contact you. If he does, he can be jailed.

  • Honey, this might properly be an exceptionally stressful subject and that i'm sorry to pay attention approximately it. i think of that the reason your husband went decrease back to her is a mix of because of the fact he knew he ought to ruin out with it and because that they had sturdy intercourse or he had some sort of emotions for her. besides the reality which you have not fairly disclosed precisely what surpassed off once you caught them, curiously you probably did not do lots to tutor that it replaced into unacceptable for him to be behaving that way and you by no skill made any divorce innovations, and so on. This shall we him comprehend which you will adhere with him no remember how lots he hurts you. This additionally in all possibility reasons him to lose admire for you, because of the fact in case you have not have been given admire for your self, who else will? You have been in all possibility the guy who bailed him out of reformatory, too, i think? i comprehend you do not % our opinion in this occasion previous what we predict of he might have been thinking, yet easily, you may pass away him till you % to stay an rather unhappy existence. i comprehend that this is totally stressful, my fiance's mom basically found out that her husband has been having an affair for greater or less six months. I comprehend that by surprise all your plans for existence with him basically pass down the drain and you may make it artwork considering which you do not % to start up over and you in basic terms % to choose that he would be the guy you married back, yet you're able to do what's sweet for you and pass away him! you will start up over and be happy back! sturdy good fortune.

  • the police asking him to stop has 0 power, and can easily be ignored. So unless you get a restraining order, he can call again. your best bet is to gasp not read his texts, or change your #

  • Go to court and get a restraining order against him.

  • tell him to come and chat to you in the police station.

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