why do kids use contraceptives?

I'm doing research for debate and i need answers from teens


  • to be safe ?? not end up with child and or std's

  • Personally, I used contraceptives so I wouldn't get pregnant when I wasn't ready. But, before I was even sexually active, I used the birth control pill to regulate my periods and calm down my cramps (I had really heavy, long periods with really bad cramps before I went on the pill) and clear up acne on my face.

    I started the birth control pill very young for these reasons and then when I became sexually active I also used condoms to prevent diseases since the pill doesn't, it only prevents pregnancy.

  • What do you mean kids?

    Well, if you mean for any other reason besides for protection against becoming pregnant.

    I have a friend who at 14 was put on BC, because her period created cramps and mentrual symtoms so bad, she would miss days of school and it was effecting her school. The BC providing relief and her symtoms were not any where near as bad.

    This would have been around 1994. I dont' know if docs do that anymore or if they have found a different type of medicine for this type of things.

    What age do you mean....kids as in 14 kids as in 7?

  • For protection.

    Condoms - to prevent std's

    and birth control - to prevent pregnancy

    They don't work 100% but it lessens the chance of becoming pregnant or STD's a lot.

  • To prevent pregnancy and passing STDs.

    Same reason adults use contraceptives.

  • I used the pill at 15 to regulate my period and to lesson cramps.

    It also protected from pregnancy when I was older.

    Condoms are used because they protect from pregnancy and STD's.

  • So they don't end up with an unplanned pregnancy or STI's. The same reason adults use them.

  • because they are smart in the fact that they are trying not to get pregnant but want to have sex

  • 1] So they don't get pregnant

    2] condoms - to prevent pregnancy and disease

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