Desperate or not.................?

I just met this guy recently. I haven't even gone on 1 date with him, yet that was the plan when he asked me for my number and he asked me once but I was busy that we just been texting for probably a week now. I go to school and i am not able to consistently check my phone. Even when I'm out with friends...i don't look at my phone every second. So this guy...he texts me and lets say i don't see his text until 2 hours later & then i reply to him...and then RIGHT AWAY he texts me back again saying "Wow finally you answer, you took so long" ...and he does this EVERY TIME...i take a while to answer back & his texts always come 5 seconds later. Does he sound a bit desperate or is it just me?


or like he acts like he owns me?


  • Sounds VERY desperate. But it also seems like he likes you and wants to see you.

    Maybe long replies are pet peeves for him?

  • Clingy to someone you have never met? now that's desperate. Or he just wants to get to know you o.o

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