What size do you consider fat!!!!!!????

What size do you consider too fat??? Like a 10, 12,... etc...


  • You can't tell if someone is fat by clothes size. Fatness is judged by body fat % and waist size.

    Thinner does not automatically equal leaner and bigger does not automatically equal fatter. Once people get this through their thick skulls the world will be a much healthier place.

  • It depends on a persons height, a person 5 foot tall weighing 110 pounds is going to look different than a person 5 foot 9 weighing 110 lbs. I do not consider a size 5 or 6 being fat and yes I think a size 2 may be too skinny but then again it depends on the height of the person

  • I consider fat a size 12

  • A 10? Seriously? I would never put a number on it--you can be taller or more muscular and be a larger size than someone who doesn't work out and carries a lot more fat. A 10 might seem big to you, but someone that's severely overweight would probably be thrilled to be that size.

  • Size 14+ is getting up there and is a bit concerning for a girl's weight.

  • Well TOO fat is When you get over 250 pounds.. But I guess your officially fat at a size 12. Not too fat. But fat.

  • It depends on people's opinions to consider which size is fat, but in science, you can use Body mass index (BMI) which is a measurement of body fat based on height and weight that applies to both adult men and women.

    If the BMI is:

    Underweight = <18.5

    Normal weight = 18.5-24.9

    Overweight = 25-29.9

    Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater

    The above figures I found at http://www.nhlbisupport.com/bmi/

    You can go to the website and enter your weight and height in the system and it will give you your BMI result.

    Hope it helps!

  • size 50

  • It's in the eye of the beholder. Beauty that is. If you behold yourself as fat, do something about it but don't obsess over it. I've somehow managed to not let myself go after retiring from the military (1992) but not from any conscious effort. My wife obsessed over her weight gain after our last child. She had gained alot but I never complained. I still loved her, as I fell in love with her heart and kind soul, not her size. I would love her no matter how much she weighed. I might worry about it if it caused her health to deteriorate. When she started to try and lose the weight after childbirth, all I did was try and be supportive, understanding, but above all, non-confrontational. Let her lead and assisted when she needed my help. She finally came to believe she would never lose me no matter what she weighed (she thought I was disappointed in her and didn't desire her) and she was able to lose the weight for her instead of for me. If someone doesn't like you because of your weight, then they should never be looked upon as a friend.

  • size 32

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