Work collegue problem?

theres this guy i work with and he really annoys me, mainly because he ignores me, i have been working with thim for about 3 years and he barely acknowledges my existence, i did try to make an effort with him but he just does not like me at all...not that he has made any real attempt to get to know me..

i feel like such a child asking this, and i should just get over it but for some reason it just really bugs me.. whats his problem?


yes it does bother me, and i wish it didnt..


  • My advice is for you to lay off him. It maybe very difficult for him to make friends or respond to you for some reason or plainly doesn't like you.

    You have to live and understand that you cannot please everybody and that you are there to work and not be buddies with your co-workers.

    I'm not being brute but you can start by stop recognizing them. Some people would love the attention while other would hate it. So you can start with that and focus on your job and make it better. Let your work speak for you and it will be the one that will get you recognized and not your connections.

    When you do great in your job, the connections will come to you.

    Hope to have helped!

  • Are there any potential explanations for his behavior other than he doesn't like you? For example, could he just be painfully shy? Is he very stressed and overwhelmed with work stuff? Is he having a hard time at home that is affecting his mood at work? Maybe there's no reason for hurt feelings at all. Maybe he doesn't dislike you and the behavior is coming from another place.

    If it is affecting your ability to do you job, though, maybe it's worth approaching him to discuss the work issues (how are we going to accomplish these tasks most effectively?).

  • I have had on the job relationships like this and I generally just let them go.

    If someone doesn't like me that is partly my problem and partly his or her problem. After having made an effort you have no reason to fret about it. Just let it go. Don't agonize over it, don't irritate him, be polite and blow it off.

  • It's not his problem, it's your problem, because you are asking the question. So, the question should be phrased, "why does this bother you?" You state, "perhaps he just does not like me at all"...perhaps that is true. Let it's been 3 years.....not everyone is going to like you through your lifetime.

  • refer for your line manager about this issue, heher should be waiting to style this out for you. if you're saying and do not some thing about it, you should nicely loose your job. Be courageous.

  • Perhaphs he is resentful towards your stunning good looks and charming personality.

  • ignore him back,maybe he will come around. If not oh well life goes on

  • maybe something BIG happened to him, like a death of a loved one or something, and he just doesn't like talking.

  • u cannot force him to be more close to you. all relations are mutual. if he is not interested in u, better ignore him.

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