Poll: Do you consider yourself healthy?
What i mean by this is that,
You exercise 5-6 days of the week doing differnt workouts. Eating healthy meals and snacking on healthy meals often. Reducing refined sugar intake to a minimum. Get a minimum of 6 hrs and a maximum of 9 hrs of sleep per day. Dont need coffee or any other boosts.
Thats me, i want to know what % of people are like that.
Update:EDIT: Contrary to popular belief, snacking late at night can be healthy. Eating small meals throughout the day with lots of smaller snacks in between is actually very beneficial if you workout as often as me. See your body needs to constantly be feeding. If you eat larger meals, then it is stored as fat until all the food is eaten away. If you eat smaller meals with snack, your body will eat the food faster with less fat being stored away, even at night time your body will feed.
EDIT: do i think im full of myself? are you that pathetic or that much of a slob and so not in shape you have to call me out for wondering whhat percentage of the people on yahoo answers considers them healthy by my standards? And then not only that, i am providing hard facts that people would like to know and correcting some mistakes like the one you made, yeah guy that really makes sense. I am full of myself for trying to help answer some questions and saying that i am in shape, which i am? youre pathetic.
nopppe im about to join weight watchers though so i should be getting healthy soon
6-9 hours of sleep? You must live a boring life. Plus 3 cups or less of coffee a day is good for your heart and liver.
Does anyone else think this guy is full of himself?
Well I would think so because I exercise and run on a regularly basis, and my metabolism rate is pretty high so I burn off much of the calories anyway. I'm of a decent weight and height.
In respond to the above Hell No
I go to the gym 3 times a week and I eat crap not as much as I use to, but crap is crap rite
I also walk a lot..
I don't have a balancee diet
Drinks coffee, smokes, snacks late at night, but I still walk on the treadmill...sometimes...
I read Flex magazine and love veggies. That's as far as it goes. I drink coffeen non stop and don't follow the workouts in the mags
my work provides me all the exercise i need, though i could work on cardio some more. i sleep plenty, i never drink caffeine or energy drinks. my diet needs work, i just had candied bacon like a half hour ago.
Nope. I've tried to be like that, but I always veer of course.
I guess I need some discipline.
Yes kind of i guess!