Do you believe dance is a sport?

I'm a dancer, so I believe that dance is a sport. However, a lot of people think that dance isn't a sport. I'm just curious to see what other people think. =]


  • Dance is an Art That Requires Athletic Ability.

  • OMG, do you know how many times I have had this arguement with people! Of course dancing is a sport! It's physical activity isn't it?!

    We even have to wear tight clothing like athletes do! Dance is a creative sport; it's movement of the body to present/ communicate an illusion, message or story, or just for the fun of it. I think beause it's a creative arts that makes people think it's not good enough to be classified as a sport because they don't see the hard work or stress behind it.

    Anything that requires high physical movement is a sport; running, swimming, soccor, football, high jump, dancing; there all sports, just different types of sports.

    So yes, I beleive dance is a sport! =) *Go Dance!*

  • Some people have a hard time connecting the arts with a sport. They think that the two are mutually exclusive. Anybody that does not think dance is a sport should go take a class.

    As professionals, dancers experience an equivalent injury rate to NFL players, so I definitely think it's a sport.

    Best Regards,

  • The dance branch is one among Goucher's claims to repute. that's seen to be between the perfect undergraduate dance classes available at a liberal arts college. So, then, why is dance so perplexing to stipulate? what's dance, precisely? Is dance a sport? Dance has each and all of the climate of a sport: actual staying power, coordination, prepare, self-discipline, or maybe, on occasion, opposition. yet many, if no longer maximum, dancers define dance as something particularly diverse from a common athletic interest. That answer your question?

  • Umm... Yeah!!!!!! i have heard that so many times, and the people that usually say that it isn't a sport are people that are involved in basketball, football,baseball etc. I'm sorry, I have had a 5 hour class of contemporary and I have never been so exhausted before. I think that it requires more training than "sports" and more practice. Maybe dance is even higher up than sports.

  • I agree with the mob. You know what the football players tell me, a hardcore believer that dance is a sport, that it is not a sport because there is no contact with each other like in football were you tackle each other. If they tried dance class for one day, I think they would die from complaining that their feet hurt!

  • i believe dance is a sport. dancers are definately athlets and i know at least 12 proffesional AFL football players who take ballet lessons to learn the secret behind a dancers jump! dance is just as physical as other sports its just more graceful and beautiful. and requires just as many hours of training! its just like gymnastics!

  • I think that dance is a spot because you work out a lot and not everyone can do it that is such a good question because i am a dancer too and i want to know too!

  • Dance is a sport, a ver excruitiating sport. Just like other sports you can do competitions. You get hurt. So yes it is a sport.

  • absolutely.

    it takes hard work and skill and is physically demanding, just like a sport.

    there are also dance competitions, like one would have a sports event.

    dance is definitely a sport.

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