Homemade dog toy ideas?

My dog is quite bored when i'm not there and im trying to save some money rght now. So does anybody know of any good, safe, homemade dog toys I can make from around the home things? Thanks.


  • Old t-shirts or socks that have holes, or that you simply don't wear anymore. Especially if you wear it once before giving it to the dog, they love it because it smells like you. You can tie knots in them just like a rope toy.

  • Rope dog toy - Tug-o-war

    Some of the best ropes to use are the larger ones made out of cotton or cotton yarn. In stores these are often called "Rope Bones". These can be safer for your dog than synthetic fibers which have a tendency to cut into the gums. Use a large enough rope depending on the size of your dog, probably about 1 to 2 feet long is good enough.

    It's best to either tie a simple knot at one end for you to hold onto, and at the other end, either tie a knot or fashion a "loop" so that the dog has something to grab onto. I have made a few rope toys that have a plastic hollow piece on the person's end (looks like the pull handles for water skiing) so that he can grab onto it securely. At the other end you should tie a non-slipping noose so that there is something to grab onto for the dog.

    To use the rope toy make sure your dog has enough room to pull and show him his end of the rope toy. Never hit him with it to get him interested, that will only make him afraid of the rope or make him angry. Let him sniff it and once he gets the idea that this is HIS toy and it's OK to bite it he may try and pull it away. At that point, let the tug 'o war commence!

  • Try a bubble blower. Dogs like to chase around things that they don't quite understand. As for homemade, You could try leaving on the radio to keep the dog company, or a small teddy bear could go a long way.

  • I know this isn't homemade, but what you put inside is and you can use it over and over until you see the rubber flaky (but I have powerchewers and haven't seen that happen yet) : KONGS!

    you can buy at petco or petsmart or I guess any pet store.

    You fill it with peanut butter (all natural kind) or no sugar added applesauce, plain yogurt, or can sardines, mackerel, tuna, salmon in water. Freeze it over night, and it will last your dog a long time, plus stimulate his mind since he has to work for the food through the kong, not just scarf it down.

    I have the large black kong for my 70lb dog, and medium red kong for my 25 lb dog, and it lasts them at least an hour long.

    Deer antlers and cow hooves are pretty good too for keeping dogs busy, though expensive..but they might last for months.

    let's see...use an empty paper towel roll and wrap packing tape or duct tape all around it. Put treats inside and them tape up the holes. (ONLY if you are sure your dog will not eat the tape or paper towel roll!!)

  • a water bottle

    tennis balls (about 50 cents each if you go to the right place)

    my dog loves the tops of milk containers (the little round things, but if your dog is big that would be a bad idea)

    or go here


  • You can use thick twine tied with large knots on the end. Or you could find an old tennis ball of some kind.

  • my dogs favorite toy is a 20 oz. soda bottle tied up in a sock.they can play with this all day.

  • For our pom Speedy we take an empty water bottle and put some bean inside of it. It's his favorite toy, he leaves all the store brought toys alone when we but one of the bottles on the floor.

  • take a regular old towel, tie a knot in the center, douse it in water, then stick it in the freezer. once its frozen, take it out and give it to your dog. she'll love it! my dog personally recommends it, also tennis balls are great!

  • get a couple of tennis balls drill a hole in both of them about a center metre wide and fill them with liver treats and it will keep him occupied because he will really want the live treats so he will play with it all day

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