how many paragraphs does a report have?

im writing a report/essay that has to be more than a page long,and less than three pages long.

my topic is The Rosetta Stone,and i need the answer fast,because its due tomorrow!!!!!

how many paragraphs should there be in the body of it?!?!?!?!


  • A good choice is about 5. 1 introductory paragraph, 3 body paragraphs and 1 concluding paragraph. It can be longer if you need it to be. Don't stick two things in the same paragraph just because you think you need exactly 5. 6 paragraphs is fine too. Just make sure you have an introduction, body and conclusion.

  • Most essays follow a format like this:

    Introduction (Paragraph1) Body or argument (Paragraph 2) Conclusion (Paragraph 3)

    The middle part can have more than one paragraph. It's actually advisable to have one paragraph for each point you will make in the paper. The introduction and conclusion need not be more than one paragraph each. A paragraph being 3 or more sentences.

  • i visit college to be a instructor and characteristic worked at a instructor's help in a ok-5 grade college. what's the report approximately? many times, it could have an intro, 3-5 paragraphs exlaining the subject be counted and then a end that sums each and every thing up. the three-5 paragraphs could have numerous information in them. it is going to take approximately 5 minutes to study the report and tutor the poster. could properly be longer if extra suitable analyze is achieved on the subject. The longer the report, the extra beneficial the poster and the extra information secure will help advance the grade... when you consider that is already late, one or 2 letter grades could be taken off so which you will need to objective each and every thing available to get an "A" so as that if grades are taken off, she will have the means to nonetheless get a first rate grade.

  • it is 5 or 4

  • Introduction body as many as u want then conclusion

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