Palm Centro or a Xenon?

I'm saving up to buy a cell phone. I had the palm but someone friking stole it. So now I'm saving up and I was wondering what phone I should get..Like, what one would you recomend.


  • BLACKBERRY CURVE! I fricking love my blackberry curve 8320. I can bet anything that you will be more than happy =)

  • The xenon totally

    because the palm centro is

    fragile and overrated

  • Centro Centro Centro Centro Centro Centro Centro Centro Centro

    Did I mention Centro?

  • DEFINATELY, a Palm Centro, it has a great built in stereo and it plays loud music ringtones. Plus it has touch capabilities, pen stylist, you can put games on it, it has MS doucuments. I have dropped my phone plenty of times and it works fine and also it has long battery life when you fully charge it. You can even talk on it while it charges. It has msd storage (media card for extra mem.), it lights up, takes great pictures. etc.

  • i would say the xenon. its touch screen is larger than the one on the centro. also the keyboard on the centro is too tiny.

  • xenon the best

  • Blackberry :P

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