Is Obama's "SAFE SCHOOLS" Czar good for America?


Doesn't this sick POS understand that pedophilia is illegal? He needs to resign, or is it that Obama is O.K. with pedophilia, I mean look at the Pedophile Protection Act and AG Eric Holder (Who promotes Kiddy Porn).


  • Mmm Mmm Mmm Barack Hussein 0bama , no he is a bad apple and needs to be kicked out of the school system

  • Obama isn't good for America either, but yet he's our President for at least the next 3+ years...

  • No which is probably why Obama picked him. Seems you can't be part of Obama's administration unless you're a criminal, radical, or pervert. Being all three is guaranteed to get you the job.

  • This man also supports year-round schools. Like we have the money for that.

  • Not many people seem to want to discuss this issue. Is obami showing more of his true colors?

  • NOTHING about Obummer is good for America

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