activate wordpress pagenavi plugin...?

cant seem to find help that i understand.. could someone please tell me step by step how to activeate wordpress plugin pagenavi, i am using twenty ten and wp 3.1 both fully updated. if you tell me to like replace the this with the that. i probably wont understand, if you say, go to the editor and view the index.php and replace this with that, then i might.. :) thanks!


GRRRR!!! lol sorry

I know how to activate it, i got the plugin installed through the auto download and install thing through WP. it does not work out of the box with Twenty Ten as I am told, there is something that needs to be done for it to work, because Twenty Ten has some sort of page navigation itself i need to change something.


  • Assuming you've already copied the plugin files to the site, all you need to do is open up the Dashboard, go to the Plugins page, scroll down to that plugin's line, and click on Activate. (If you haven't done that, go to Plugins, click on Add New, type in WP-PageNavi, and let the system do the dirty work for you.)

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