Why am i so paranoid?

I cant walk into a room, i feel to scared that eveveryone is staring, i cant look at people in the eye because im paranoid they are staring deep into them and it makes me feel uncomfortable. I cant even talk to my teachers because i just feel as if they hate me. And i cant even go and walk to the school cafeteria because i just feel everyone is watching, i feel as if the world only revolves ariund me.ofcourse i know that it doesnt but its just how i feel, its its ruining my life.

Please tell me the:




I would appreciate it very much. God bless you all.


  • It sounds like you are a teenager. If you are a teenager you are going through a lot of chemical changes in your body (hormonal). In some people it may cause them to be over self conscious or self critical. The first thing you need to do is relax. You are not so important to other people they spend all their time consumed, thinking or talking about you. When people see you it is only for the moment (<1 to 3 minutes at most). if they laugh with you or at you it is only for that moment. Once that moment past they are off thinking or talking about their own affairs not even remembering at times that you are even in the room. You are alive unhurt, life goes on. You will survive. The solution to your problem is you need to socialize with people more so that you get to understand that you are not the center of their world and there are lots of other things to talk about. Next, you to exercise a lot more to help you burn off some of your pent up energy. If you think a lot you need to exercise more in order to achieve a balance between the mental and the physical. (very important). And last you need to meditate and read more.... follow this and you will come out a healthy well balanced adult in a few years.

  • Were either of your parents or guardians alcoholics or drug addicts? Do you use drugs, drink alcohol, use caffeine?

    This type of behavior is caused by many things. One reason might be that you were raised by a parent who frequently lied to cover up a life style, in which case that behavior essentially taught you to question the motives of people at an early age. If you’re still in this situation, your symptoms will only get worse. If you’re using drugs, alcohol or large amount of caffeine, your mind will definitely be out of sync and you will find yourself questioning things that you normally wouldn’t.

    The most important thing to do at this point is to understand why you feel this way. Do not concern yourself with fixing the problem right now. The resolution will present itself only after you understand the root of the cause. You should speak with a professional counselor or therapist about this right away. I would not consider taking any medication to help you overcome this. It’s important to experience the sensations fully in order to understand the cause. If you take a medication to try to solve this problem, you will only be prolonging the inevitable fact that you must address the root of the cause.

  • I can't really help you hear, because this is all in your head, you need to stop thinking about what people think of you, other than being nice or looking good or whatever. I'm not the most attractive dude but I like to face my fears, everyone knows me, and if I'm positive people are staring at me than I stare back, or do something weird, make jokes, whatever. I can be annoying but that's who I am. I love attention though, and if you don't than that's you and you need to get over it, talk to people, communicate, look people in the eye when they are talking to you, make jokes, whatever, just get over it, once you make friends with a group of people than you won't be so shy.

  • you might have anxiety problems? how old are you though because I had similar problems when I was in middle school and early in high school I was always afraid people were starring at me or when I'd walk in to the cafeteria and couldn't find a spot to sit at everyone though i was a loser. I grew out of it because I stopped caring what other people thought but you may need some extra help. Try seeing your school counselor and talk to him/her about this and they should be able to help. Good luck

  • You need to set your mind free. Put your mind into positive mode. Remember that you are just one person out of a zillion..so the whole world doesnt revolve around you..I think that when a person ahs something positive to think about themselves, then you feel happy and confident no matter what. Maybe your going through a tough time..I know that when I never had much going for me, naturally you don't feel yourself. Just be like 'I don't give a **** what people think of me'!!! :)

  • *Paranoid personality disorder

    * 1. suspects, without sufficient basis, that others are exploiting, harming, or deceiving him or her

    2. is preoccupied with unjustified doubts about the loyalty or trustworthiness of friends or associates

    3. is reluctant to confide in others because of unwarranted fear that the information will be used maliciously against him or her

    4. reads benign remarks or events as threatening or demeaning.

    5. persistently bears grudges, i.e., is unforgiving of insults, injuries, or slights

    6. perceives attacks on his or her character or reputation that are not apparent to others and is quick to react angrily or to counterattack

    7. has recurrent suspicions, without justification, regarding fidelity of spouse or sexual partner.


  • its called anxiety.. i have that too.. just not as bad.. like sumtimes when im walking down the street i think people are staring at me.. and talking about me.. i dont no how you can stop it but one thing that does help is to listion to your ipod when your walking anywere and try focus on sumthing else.. when your looking at sumone and talking to them try not to feel so parnoid ino its hard but smile when your talking and when they smile back then youll no there not staring deep into your eyes x

  • I am like that too but I don't feel paranoid. Maybe you need some metal music.


  • No idea, I'm watching you right now and you seem normal to me

  • Symptoms:

    preoccupied with unsupported doubts about friends or associates

    suspicious; unfounded suspicions; believes others are plotting against him/her

    perceives attacks on his/her reputation that are not clear to others, and is quick to counterattack

    maintains unfounded suspicions regarding the fidelity of a spouse or significant other

    reads negative meanings into innocuous remarks

    reluctant to confide in others due to a fear that information may be used against him/her

    Kinds of Paranoia:

    Persecutory paranoia - This is the most prevalent type of paranoia, and in this patient makes himself believe that all those around him are his enemies, bent on harming him or even taking his life. In this delusion people of an aggressive temperament often turns dangerous killers.

    Delusion of Grandeur - In this patient believes himself to be, a great individual, and according to Bleuler, this delusion of grandeur accompanies a persecutory delusion.

    Religious paranoia - Here the patients suffer from a permanent delusion of a primarily religious nature. He for example believes, that he is the messenger of God who has been sent to the world to propagate some religion.

    Reformatory paranoia - In this the patient turns to considering himself a great reformer. He accordingly looks upon all those around him. As suffering from dangerous disease, and believes that he is their reformer and curator.

    Erotic paranoia - Here the patient often tends to believe that some members of the family of the opposite sex, belonging to an illustrious family, want to marry him. Such people even write love letters and there by, cause much botheration to other people.

    Litigious paranoia - In this kind the patient takes to feeling meaningless cases against other people and feels that people are linked together to bother him. Sometimes he, even tries to murder.

    Hypochondrical paranoia - In this kind the patients believes that he is suffering from all kind of ridiculous diseases, and also that some other people are to blame for his suffering.


    1) Homosexual fixation: According to Freud, the patient suffering from the disease has repressed his tendency to homosexual love to such an extent that he develops a fixation concerning it. Freud's view has been found correct in many cases, but it does not explain each and every case of the disease.

    2) Feelings of inferiority: Here the psychologists have found that the main cause of paranoia is a sense of inferiority that may be caused by a variety of condition such as failure, disgust, sense of guilt.

    3) Emotional complex: Certain psychologist points out emotional complexes, and also believe that they are seen to be present in other mental diseases as also in normal individuals.

    4) Personality type: Cameron believes a certain type to be more susceptible to this disease, a personality that has sentimentally, jealousy, suspicion, ambition, selfishness and shyness etc. Patients of paranoia do exhibit these peculiarities of personality but on this basis they cannot be said to belong to definite personality.

    5) Heredity: In the opinion of Fisher the main responsibility of paranoia lies fairly and squarely upon heredity, although he does not deny the importance of repression and emotional complexes. The causes of paranoia are not physical because no patient exhibits any signs of physical deformity and among the causes there are many important" ones, such as defects of personality, sense of inferiority, repression etc.

    Cures and Treatments:

    A cure of paranoia is very difficult and it is essential that treatment should be started immediately the disease comes to be known. Once it grows on a person there is no curing to it. The chief method of curing it is the following:

    Psychoanalytic method - Compared to other mental diseases, this disease does not respond immediately to psychoanalytic treatment because, being suspicious, the patient does not cooperate with the doctor. Even then, with due precaution, certain results can be achieved by employing this method.

    Injection of Insulin- some patients also responds to this treatment but this cannot be said of all.

    Prognosis of Paranoia

    Predicting the prognosis of an individual suffering from Paranoia is quite difficult. Paranoia generally becomes a whole life or lifelong condition if there exists any underlying mental disorder, such as schizophrenia or paranoid personality disorder. It certainly and sometimes get better with some treatments or remission or with slight changes in medication. People who have symptoms of paranoia as part of another medical condition may also have a waxing and waning mental course.

    Sometimes it is the case that paranoia is caused by the use of a particular drug or medication. In this case, it is possible that discontinuing that substance may completely reverse the symptoms of paranoia.

    Facts and Tips about Paranoid personality:

    Paranoid personality is a diso

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