DO i have a claim to US citizenship?

I has adopted to a Us CITIZEN before turning 18 i got my green card when i was 16 but now i am 20.


yes i was living in the Us when i got adopted, after that they gave me a green card ....


  • It sounds like you do have a claim.

    A child automatically becomes a U.S. citizen when all of the following conditions have been met under section 320 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), as amended by the Child Citizenship Act (CCA):

    * At least one parent of the child is a U.S. citizen, whether by birth or naturalization.

    * The child is under the age of 18 years.

    * The child is residing in the United States in the legal and physical custody of the U.S. citizen parent based on a lawful admission for permanent residence.

    * An adopted child may automatically become a citizen under section 320 of the INA if the child satisfies the requirements applicable to adopted children under sections 101(b)(1)(E), (F) or (G) of the INA.

    Download from N-600 and take a look. That's the form you would need to file to obtain a Certificate of Citizenship. If it looks like you would qualify, you can submit the application to CIS for a final decision. Based on the dinky information you provided, I'd say your chances are strong.

  • In order to qualify for citizenship under your father, you would have to make the claim while you are under 18 years old. You would also have to show that you were adopted before the age of 16 and had lived with the parent for at least 2 years.

    Because you are already over age 18, you will have to wait until you have had your green card for 5 years and then apply for citizenship through naturalization.

    Good luck!

  • You should go to your local USCIS to trade in your Green card with the appropriate information as laid out by Fred S & gain a Naturalization certificate.A US citizens should never be identifying themselves as a Green card holder.

    You should also take the Certificate of Naturalization to the Social Security building indicating your new status so anyone using your SSN will recognize your new status immediately.

  • Were you living here in the USA when you were adopted? You need to seek advice from someone knowledgeable in this field. Sounds like you have a good chance.

    As far as I know, any child adopted before 18 years of age has the same rights as a natural-born child.

    But then, don't seek legal advice here, but go see someone legit.

    Perhaps even an Immigration Aid Center could point you in the right direction.

  • If you have kept your green card current then you probably are good to go. All you will need to do is to Pay The Man and fill out the form to apply for citizenship (and, of course, learn your U.S. history!). Contact an immigration lawyer and take one of the free consultations they often give so that you can know for sure. You should not need a lawyer to complete the process, but it is a good idea to consult with one before getting started, just so you know what needs to be filled out and what you are up against.

    Check out the USCIS website for information and forms.

  • the in undemanding words way you would qualify for united statescitizenship might want to be if one in each and every of your mothers and fathers change right into a U.S. citizen on the time of your start, and that figure had lived interior the U.S. lengthy adequate to fulfill the actual presence requirement. Now, inclusive of your edit, it style of appears like they fulfill the position of abode requirement (surely). Now you want to report style N-six hundred with fee as a fashion to receive a certificate of Citizenship from CIS. it really is too late for you to receive a State Dept. record of start in another us of a due on your age. although, the citizen amenities area of a U.S. consulate in Canada would help you in different approaches, e.g., a passport software. First time applicants (adults) might want to look in human being.

  • See the link below. The instructions indicate the qualifications under which you likely became a citizen:

  • if you got a greencard you can apply for US citizenship 5 years after you got it.

  • just another wanna be----

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