What's my dad's problem?

My dad is on antipsychotic medication and he drank today. He got drunk and started talking to me about hillbillies and inbreeding. He showed me a movie about them and I thought to myself, "I know they exist but I don't want to know every detail about them". He is on meds so he shouldn't be drinking in the first place. I thought he was acting weird because he starting poking my shoulder and laughing. So I just got up and walked away. (I just realized afterward that he was drunk).

What the hell was he thinking about when he brought out the subject "hillbillies" in USA? It pissed me off and now I'm angry with him. We were talking about something else and then he switched the subject onto hillbillies. Like WTF? Would you suggest that I avoid my dad next time? (He tends to talk about stupid things when he is drunk).


  • People talk about strange stuff when they are drunk so don't take too much notice. Don't avoid him though but try and just nod and let it pass over you.

  • Do your best to avoid him when he is drunk. I don't care if it is Fathers day. How stupid to talk about Hillbillies and inbreeding.

  • don't get mad at your dad, his job is pretty hard and he drinks to release stress, just avoid him if you feel uncomfortable when he's drunk and when he is sober tell him your feelings maybe, just maybe he can resist the urge to get drunk around you. Good Luck :)

  • just try to Comfort your dad he needs someone at this time. Parents will make dumb decisions but you should let this one slide since its fathers day lol

  • today is fathers day. enjoy the time you have with him

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