Xbox 360 license transfer help?

So recently got a new gamertag and wanted to re download some of the games i bought through games on demand so i downloaded red dead redemption first and tried playing. It said "cant launch red dead redemption" and i knew i had to transfer licenses but when i went to transfer the licenses it says that i cant transfer them til 10/22/12. Is there anyway around this, maybe transfer the licenses through usb or move the game onto a usb and somehow change the licences to my new gamertag. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.


  • No that won't work. The licenses are tied to the console and the account. Moving the game around with a USB doesn't change that. Licenses transfer are not for moving licenses from one account to another anyway. They're to move the licenses for an account to a new 360. If you're still using the same 360 that you bought the games on and haven't moved the licenses to another console, your other profiles should be able to play them.

  • The USB will work for sure. You know about changing the format of the usb card first? Its in settings, strorage, copy the games and then you can copy them to a new box, or even play them stright off the usb card. That might be your only option untill 10/22/12

  • You shouldn't have to transfer licences unless you're using a new console and new account. If you're using the same HDD, same account but a different console you'll be fine but if you're using the same HDD, different account and different console you will need to licence transfer the content again. I download things on a few of my accounts and I can play and use them on any account on that console.

  • Actually you shouldnt need to transfer licenses... I didn't ever and I've switched xboxs like 3 times

  • You don't have that problem with playstation

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