How do I sell my homemade cookies?
This is for charity and I don't know any other options. A lot of places are booked for car washes, so that is not an option. I bake really well but I don't know who or where I can sell these items to. Please help! I love charities and I just want to promise my donation amount.
Well first off I would contact someone at rah health department. It would and could be very departmental to you and you family if even one cookie made so every sick. Ya could stand to lose more in the long run then what it is truly worth. I made some candy and was giving it to folks as a special thank you for buying a fresh cold lemonade. Thank good I got a bag just to fing out there was a dead cocroch mixed in the ingredients. To say the least I removed every single bag and replaced them with snack size chips. Take precautions now before hand they came back and bite ya in the keister. Best of luck to you and I truly hope ya have great success.
As local stores around your neighborhood if you could set up a table and chair in front of the store for a few hours and sell your home made cookies. Include what charity the money will be going to, and a thorough list of ingredients that are in the cookies. You could ask a grocery store or drug store, or really any store that's popular. You're guaranteed to be approved by someone. When setting up your table, include a big sign with the cost of the cookies, the charity they are going to, and the ingredients. You could even sell like 3 for a dollar and have them pre-wrapped in see through wrap, tied with a colorful ribbon. Appearance sells. I wish you the best of luck and hope your bake sale works out
Be sure to use manners, say thank you, and be polite to customers!