are capitalists parasites?

a parasite: one who lives off the labor of others without doing any themselves

a capitalist lives of the labor of his workers while living at ease


  • Capitalism has been good for certain countries for a few hundred years, however in Capitalising socities in exchange for a yield, just like the house in a casino, enough spins of the wheel and the house owns all the money.

    This is now basically the National debt that most developed countries have racked up, that is now reaching levels that are unpayable, by countries like the US, and most of Europe.

    If you beleive in Capitalism then you should accept it when the Capitalists decide to invest in countries like India, China and other under developed countries where growth and yield prospects are better rather than countries with high labour costs like the US & Europe.

    Its ironic that the people who belive in capitalism the most also whinge the most about companies moving to China.

  • Have you EVER KNOWN a poor person to create a job? Please remember that for every one who is receiving an "entitlement" from the government, that "entitlement" money comes from people who WORK!

    Regarding your statement: let's say that in a society where EVERYONE gets the SAME PAY no matter what they do. The garbage collector gets the same as a physician; the movie star gets the same as a street sweeper; the skilled auto mechanic gets the same pay as an airline pilot.

    What would be the imitative for wanting to better yourself? Capitalism rewards success and productivity. Right now, there are people who want to punish success and hard work. I have a friend of mine who employees 16 people. He pays 100% of their health insurance; he gives them two weeks of paid vacation each year, and also pays them well.

    He posed a quested to me: "why should the government take money from ME to give to people who will NOT (he did not say "could not") work even when work is available"?

    You know that happens; all of us have known of people who expect OTHER people to support themselves. Some people would not take a job in a pie factory tasting pies that they like!

    Socialism is great as long as you have ANOTHER PERSON'S MONEY TO SPEND! When that money runs "out", what happens then?

  • Capitalism isn't a system that inherently screws over people. It just allows trade without government intervention most of the time. What happens with capitalism is that it enables greed. there was once a time where labor unions were much stronger and kept these sort of things in check. sadly they are a thing of the former.

  • No, socialism is.

    Feeding off the prosperity and culture of the capitalist society that tries it. In a downward spiral.

  • Hmm, says the man (kid) who is sitting on a chair produced by a capitalist, using a computer which is on a desk which uses electricity, all brought to you by capitalists, with a roof over your head thanks to someone pursuing their own self interests and employing people

  • Who the hell is forcing you to buy anything? The government more closely describes a parasite, not businesses and corporations.

  • Capitalism is the many working for the betterment of the few, the rich

    Socialism is the many working for the betterment of their community

    We live in a consumer economic system, everything you buy, you create jobs. So yes the poor do create jobs

  • You're thinking of welfare recipients. People who own large coorperations don't just sit at home watching TV all day. Many of them work 365 days a year from about 6:00 am to 10:00 pm making tough buisness decisions and employing thousands of people.

  • Well, my boss is a true capitalist. He works his tail off, creates jobs, contributes to charity oh and did I say creates jobs?

  • I'm one of those workers, AND a capitalist! (you're not very bright, are you?)

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