If liberalism is a mental disorder?

then is Conservatism is lethal cancer?


  • No Conservatism is the cure for the Liberal mental disorder.

  • people need to stop talking about this liberalism and conservatism sh*t, truth is that they both work together to create a new world order behind this whole fake scenery that they depict in the elections, news, conferences, or whatever.

    All this crap is organized in the Bilderberger group, the G20 Summit, sometimes the UN, everywhere where they can be behind closed doors discussing how they are going to plan and create the New World Order.

  • You just confirmed the liberal half of the reasoning with a question that defies rationality.

  • That's tough, I wouldn't say it like that

  • yes and no to the second question.

  • go, communism

    f.ck glasnost. everybody's happy with communism!

    or they're shot.........

  • One day, I will find myself a hot swimsuit model wife, I will plant my seed in her womb, and we shall make a dozen attactive liberal babies (They will get their good looks and charm from me), whom I will raise to hate and mock conservatives.


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